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How to buy Phonak Virto Paradise locally and save
Click here to check your location, or simply call us at 877-813-4401.
We’ll answer your questions and let you know your local ZipHearing providers are.
At your convenience, call your local ZipHearing provider and schedule your hearing aid consultation. You'll discuss hearing aid options, and if you want, place an order.
Just days after your consultation, pick up your custom-ordered hearing aids and get them programmed to your unique hearing profile. If you don't love them, return them for a 100% refund.
Included with your purchase
Don’t settle for less- or “remote support.” To get the best performance out of your hearing aids you need local care. It’s why Phonak recommends it, right on their website. Your purchase includes 1 year of unlimited appointments with your local ZipHearing provider. After your first year of ownership, additional appointments with your local ZipHearing provider are (at the most) $65 each.
Wear your hearing aids for 45 days. If they don’t change your life, simply bring them back to your local ZipHearing provider and we’ll issue a 100% refund. No restocking fees. No fine print.
Your purchase includes a manufacturer’s 3 year warranty covering repairs, and loss and damage. If a hearing aid is lost or damaged beyond repair during the warranty period, your ZipHearing provider can file what is called a “Loss and Damage Claim” for you, and a new device will be issued, subject to a deductible payable to your hearing provider of $350/aid.
An initial supply of cleaning and maintenance supplies like domes and wax filters are included with your order, and your hearing provider will show you how to use them. If your hearing aids take disposable batteries, we’ll include a year's supply. If your hearing aids are rechargeable, we’ll include a charger.
We offer 12 month interest-free financing through CareCredit. We also offer payment plans of up to 60 months, though interest does apply. Setting up your financing takes just minutes, and a ZipHearing team member will help you through the process.
How Virto Paradise fits

Phonak Virto Paradise at a glance
Sales popularity of Virto Paradise vs.
over the last 60 days
Relative sales popularity of Phonak models over time, based on our internal sales data. Updated weekly. Click on a model name to remove/bring back it from the chart comparsion
Sales stats for Virto Paradise
Based on our internal sales data. Updated daily.
Phonak's product naming convention
Virto Paradise tech levels our customers buy
Based on internal sales data. Updated daily.
Tech level | % of sales |
Virto Paradise 90 | 74.3% |
Virto Paradise 70 | 16.8% |
Virto Paradise 50 | 6.2% |
Virto Paradise 30 | 2.7% |
Phonak Virto Paradise models
Sorted by popularity. Based on our internal sales data. Updated daily.
Phonak Virto Paradise comes in 5 different models, shown below. When purchasing through ZipHearing, the model you select doesn't affect the final price you pay — the technology level does; such as the Virto Paradise 90, 70, 50 or 30. The majority of ZipHearing customers buy the Phonak Virto P 312 model (shown in position 1 below), with the 90 technology level.

Phonak Virto Paradise 90 vs 70 & more
This is a heavily abbreviated chart designed to focus only on the key differences between models. Features that exist across all technology are not listed below unless they`re necessary to provide context for other features listed. Swipe right to see more features, tap on a feature to read its description.
Model | 30 | 50 | 70 | 90 |
Sales popularity | 2.7% | 6.2% | 16.8% | 74.3% |
Return rate | 33.3% | N/A | 47.4% | 21.4% |
Tech level | Low | Mid | Advanced | Premium |
Finetuning channels | 12 | 16 | 20 | 20 |
Automatic programs | 4 | 5 | 6 | 9 |
DuoPhone | ||||
Windblock | ||||
SoundRelax | ||||
Dynamic Noise Cancellation | ||||
Speech Enhancer |
*some features may not apply to all models on this page
For a more detailed comparison, see Phonak`s feature matrix
Helpful resources from Phonak
Phonak Virto Paradise reviews
Customers say
The video and/or written reviews below are from real ZipHearing customers who bought and wear Phonak Virto Paradise hearing aids. Every ZipHearing customer is invited to create written and video reviews and is compensated up to $235 for doing so. We ask our customers to provide unbiased reviews highlighting both the pros and the cons of their hearing aids. We hope you find these firsthand experiences of Phonak Virto Paradise helpful!User uploads

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