ReSound Enzo Q


Enzo Q 9 $ 4598 /pair
Enzo Q 7 $ 3798 /pair
Enzo Q 5 $ 3198 /pair
The image of color hearing aids
Medium blonde (17.4% popularity)
Can't decide? No problem! We're happy to ship a few different colors :)

How to buy ReSound Enzo Q locally and save

1 Make sure there is a ZipHearing provider in your area Ziphearing man with laptop emoji

Click here to check your location, or simply call us at 877-813-4401.
We’ll answer your questions and let you know your local ZipHearing providers are.

2 Schedule your consultation Ziphearing calendar emoji

At your convenience, call your local ZipHearing provider and schedule your hearing aid consultation. You'll discuss hearing aid options, and if you want, place an order.

3 Hear better Ziphearing chart emoji

Just days after your consultation, pick up your custom-ordered hearing aids and get them programmed to your unique hearing profile. If you don't love them, return them for a 100% refund.

Included with your purchase

Local Care Included

Don’t settle for less- or “remote support.” To get the best performance out of your hearing aids you need local care. It’s why ReSound recommends it, right on their website. Your purchase includes 1 year of unlimited appointments with your local ZipHearing provider. After your first year of ownership, additional appointments with your local ZipHearing provider are (at the most) $65 each.

45 Day Risk-Free Trial

Wear your hearing aids for 45 days. If they don’t change your life, simply bring them back to your local ZipHearing provider and we’ll issue a 100% refund. No restocking fees. No fine print.

3 Year Warranty

Your purchase includes a manufacturer’s 3 year warranty covering repairs, and loss and damage. If a hearing aid is lost or damaged beyond repair during the warranty period, your ZipHearing provider can file what is called a “Loss and Damage Claim” for you, and a new device will be issued, subject to a deductible payable to your hearing provider of $350/aid.


An initial supply of cleaning and maintenance supplies like domes and wax filters are included with your order, and your hearing provider will show you how to use them. If your hearing aids take disposable batteries, we’ll include a year's supply. If your hearing aids are rechargeable, we’ll include a charger.

Financing Available

We offer 12 month interest-free financing through CareCredit. We also offer payment plans of up to 60 months, though interest does apply. Setting up your financing takes just minutes, and a ZipHearing team member will help you through the process.

How Enzo Q fits

How hearing aids looks on the head
Medium blonde (17.4% popularity)
(tap once on the head to see hearing aids off the ear)
Shield icon - 45 Day Risk-Free Trial

45 Day Risk-Free Trial

Shield icon - 45 Day Risk-Free Trial

45 Day Risk-Free Trial

Wear your hearing aids for 45 days. If they don’t change your life, simply bring them back to your local ZipHearing provider and we’ll issue a 100% refund. No restocking fees. No fine print.

Financing icon - Financing Available

Financing Available

Financing icon - Financing Available

Financing Available

We offer 12 month interest-free financing through CareCredit. We also offer payment plans of up to 60 months, though interest does apply. Setting up your financing takes just minutes, and a ZipHearing team member will help you through the process.

Heart icon - local care

Local Care Included

Heart icon - local care

Local Care Included

Don’t settle for less- or “remote support.” To get the best performance out of your hearing aids you need local care. It’s why ReSound recommends it, right on their website. Your purchase includes 1 year of unlimited appointments with your local ZipHearing provider. After your first year of ownership, additional appointments with your local ZipHearing provider are (at the most) $65 each.

Warranty icon - warranty loading=

3 Year Warranty

Warranty icon - warranty

3 Year Warranty

Your purchase includes a manufacturer’s 3 year warranty covering repairs, and loss and damage. If a hearing aid is lost or damaged beyond repair during the warranty period, your ZipHearing provider can file what is called a “Loss and Damage Claim” for you, and a new device will be issued, subject to a deductible payable to your hearing provider of $350/aid.

Supplies icon - provide supplies for the hearing aids


Supplies icon - provide supplies for the hearing aids


An initial supply of cleaning and maintenance supplies like domes and wax filters are included with your order, and your hearing provider will show you how to use them. If your hearing aids take disposable batteries, we’ll include a year's supply. If your hearing aids are rechargeable, we’ll include a charger.

Written by: Jeff Hall, Hearing Aid Specialist
The image of Jeff Hall author

Jeff Hall

President at ZipHearing

Jeff is a California licensed hearing aid dispenser and the President of ZipHearing one of the largest hearing aid suppliers in the country. More about Jeff Hall
Medically reviewed by: Brad Ingrao, Doctor of Audiology
The image of Brad Ingrao author

Brad Ingrao

Editor & Doctor of Audiology

Brad Ingrao, Au.D. has been in clinical practice since 1992 in a variety of settings including academia, private practice, educational audiology, the VA, and the hearing aid industry. More about Brad Ingrao
Updated: Jun 19, 2022
ReSound Enzo Q

Power plus performance

Released by ReSound on February 27, 2020, Enzo Q is ReSound's flagship line of hearing aids for severe-to-profound hearing losses.

Enzo Q is most well-known for it's compatibility with some Cochlear® implants, which (among other benefits) allows wearers to stream sound directly to both ears from compatible Apple or Android devices.

When you're fully dependent on your hearing aids, that kind of connectivity that can make a world of difference.

ReSound Enzo Q at a glance

Sales popularity of Enzo Q vs.

over the last 60 days

Relative sales popularity of ReSound models over time, based on our internal sales data. Updated weekly. Click on a model name to remove/bring back it from the chart comparsion

Sales stats for Enzo Q

Based on our internal sales data. Updated daily.

BOUGHT BY 3.4% of our customers who've bought ReSound in the last 90 days
RETURNED BY 8.7% of customers during their 45 day trial period for a 100% refund
This hearing aid's return rate is 42% better than our average return rate of 15%
ZipHearing Return Policy We think you'll love your new hearing aids. But if you don't, return them for a 100% refund within 45 days. No restocking fees, no fine print.

Your savings through ZipHearing

Based on retail pricing figures from

Average retail
41% less
than the national average price
ZipHearing Price

ReSound's product naming convention

Enzo Q
Tech level

Enzo Q tech levels our customers buy

Based on internal sales data. Updated daily.

Hearing Aids prices range 52.2%
Hearing Aids prices range 52.2%
Tech level % of sales
Enzo Q 9 52.2%
Enzo Q 7 30.4%
Enzo Q 5 17.4%

ReSound Enzo Q models

Sorted by popularity. Based on our internal sales data. Updated daily.

ReSound Enzo Q comes in 2 different models, shown below. When purchasing through ZipHearing, the model you select doesn't affect the final price you pay — the technology level does; such as the Enzo Q 9, 7 or 5. The majority of ZipHearing customers buy the ReSound Enzo Q BTE 98 model (shown in position 1 below), with the 9 technology level.

Stock image of ReSound Enzo Q BTE 98 BTE 98
BTE 98

Super power behind-the-ear style with a size 675 battery

69.6% of our customers choose this model
6.3% of our customers returned this model for a full refund
Stock image of ReSound Enzo Q BTE 88 BTE 88
BTE 88

High power behind-the-ear style with a size 13 battery

30.4% of our customers choose this model
14.3% of our customers returned this model for a full refund

ReSound Enzo Q 9 vs 7 & more

This is a heavily abbreviated chart designed to focus only on the key differences between models. Features that exist across all technology are not listed below unless they`re necessary to provide context for other features listed. Swipe right to see more features, tap on a feature to read its description.

Model 5 7 9
Sales popularity 17.4% 30.4% 52.2%
Return rate 25% 14.3% N/A
Tech level Mid Advanced Premium
Bands 6 8 10
Impulse Noise Reduction
Wind Guard Basic Ultimate Advanced
Binaural Directionality III
Binaural Directionality
Spatial Sense

*some features may not apply to all models on this page

For a more detailed comparison, see ReSound`s feature matrix

Helpful resources from ReSound

ReSound Enzo Q reviews


Customers say

The video and/or written reviews below are from real ZipHearing customers who bought and wear ReSound Enzo Q hearing aids. Every ZipHearing customer is invited to create written and video reviews and is compensated up to $235 for doing so. We ask our customers to provide unbiased reviews highlighting both the pros and the cons of their hearing aids. We hope you find these firsthand experiences of ReSound Enzo Q helpful!

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Durability & reliability (1) Ease of use & controls (1) Performance in noise (1) Sound quality (2) Value for money (1)
1 customers mention "Durability & reliability" 0 positive 0 negative

While current durability cannot be assessed, past experiences with ReSound products suggest they are long-lasting and reliable.

...since i just bought the hearing aid, i cannot speak to its durability, but other aids from resound i've worn in the past are still functioning, even decades after i bought them... Read more

1 customers mention "Ease of use & controls" 1 positive 0 negative

The hearing aids are appreciated for their programming flexibility and ease of use, offering various options for customization.

...i chose the resound enzo because it seemed like it had more variability in the ways that the aid could be programmed... Read more

1 customers mention "Performance in noise" 0 positive 1 negative

There are significant concerns about the hearing aids amplifying all sounds in noisy environments, making it difficult to focus on specific sounds.

...these aids seem to amplify everything, even in narrow directional mode, which makes it very difficult for me to distinguish the signal i want to hear from the cacophony of sound... Read more

2 customers mention "Sound quality" 2 positive 0 negative

Customers are very satisfied with the sound quality of the ReSound Enzo, noting its clarity and ability to replicate natural hearing experiences.

...the sounds i hear with resound enzo are the sounds i used to hear before genetic hearing loss kicked in. the clarity and separation of sound are amazing... Read more

...the sound quality seems to be pretty good, as was the quality of other aids i tried from phonak and oticon... Read more

1 customers mention "Value for money" 0 positive 0 negative

The value for money is seen as neutral, with some concerns about the waterproof capabilities compared to other brands.

...i believe there are other brands that may be more waterproof, as i believe they are given ratings to this effect... Read more

Showing 2 of 2 total reviews Clear all filters

Daniel from Boca Raton, FL (on Oct 27, 2022)
Model: ReSound Enzo Q 9 BTE 98

ReSound Enzo Q 98

The sound quality seems to be pretty good, as was the quality of other aids I tried from Phonak and Oticon. I chose the ReSound Enzo because it seemed like it had more variability in the ways that the aid could be programmed. One thing all the hearing aids I tried seemed to lack was a directionality program which would only amplify sounds directly in front of the hearing aid. People with profound losses such as myself have a very hard time distinguishing what we want to hear from the "noise" in our environment. These aids seem to amplify everything, even in narrow directional mode, which makes it very difficult for me to distinguish the signal I want to hear from the cacophony of sound. Whereas, most people, and perhaps people with less severe hearing loss, may want to hear everything, for me it makes it almost impossible to pick up on the speech going on in front of me in a one-to-one conversation. I know that directionality is possible, because I have had hearing aids in the past that worked very well in reducing ambient noise and only amplifying what is in front. Since I just bought the hearing aid, I cannot speak to its durability, but other aids from ReSound I've worn in the past are still functioning, even decades after I bought them. One thing I noticed is that the Enzo hearing aids are susceptible to moisture, specifically in the form of sweat during athletic engagement. Even my new hearing aid got a little staticky during a tennis match, but returned to normal after being aired out. I believe there are other brands that may be more waterproof, as I believe they are given ratings to this effect.
Robert from Huntington Beach, CA (on Oct 10, 2023)
Model: ReSound Enzo Q 9 BTE 98

GN Resound Enzo Q BTE 98-9

This is my third set of hearing aids. The sounds I hear with Resound Enzo are the sounds I used to hear before genetic hearing loss kicked in. The clarity and separation of sound are amazing.
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Common questions about ReSound Enzo Q hearing aids

Bluetooth / Connectivity Disposable Batteries Controls/Apps Miscellaneous

Choose questions category:

Is this hearing aid Bluetooth compatible?
Enzo Q is Made for iPhone, which means it can connect directly with iPhones to stream music, phone calls, and more. Enzo Q is also compatible with the new Android protocol, Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA), allowing direct streaming from select Android devices with Android 10 and Bluetooth 5.0. If your phone isn't directly compatible with Enzo Q, you can still get Bluetooth functionality via the Phone Clip +.
Does this hearing aid allow for hands-free phone calls?
Only via the Phone Clip + accessory. When talking on the phone (even without the Phone Clip +), you'll hear the caller's voice streamed through both hearing aids (as long as your phone is Bluetooth compatible with the aids). But in order for the caller to hear your voice, you'll have to either hold your phone to your mouth as you normally do, or keep the Phone Clip + clipped to your shirt collar or worn around your neck, so the caller can you hear via the microphone on that accessory.
Can this hearing aid be paired directly to my Bluetooth TV?
No. To stream audio from the TV you'll need the Unite TV 2 streamer.
How will I know when it's time to change the battery?
A few minutes before the battery dies, you'll hear Beethoven's Fifth (dun-dun-dun-dun) through the hearing aids, letting you know it's time to change the battery.
How long do the batteries last?
It's hard to say with a powerful hearing like Enzo- there are a lot of factors. We'd estimate 4-6 days for the size 13 battery, and 6-8 days for the 675.
Are the batteries hard to change?
For most people, no. The size 13 battery on the BTE 88 is plenty big for most people to easily handle. But if you're concerned it may be difficult, talk to your hearing provider to see if you're a candidate for the BTE 98, which uses a larger size 675 battery that is easier to change.
How do I turn this hearing aid on and off?
To turn the hearing aid on, simply close the battery door. Opening the battery door will turn the hearing aid off.
How can I control this hearing aid, and which settings can I control?
Using either the pushbutton on the hearing aid, or either of ReSound's (2) remote controls, you can adjust the volume and program. Using the app, you can control volume, program, and base and treble.
Does the app have a “Find My Hearing Aid” feature?
Yes, but in order for it to work your hearing aids must've been paired to your phone before they were lost. The app will show where the hearing aids were located when they were last connected to the app, and what time it was.
Is this hearing aid CROS compatible?
No. None of the Enzo Q models are CROS compatible.
Can I get this hearing aid with a telecoil?
Yes, all Enzo models come with a telecoil.

Compatible apps & accessories

Apps (by popularity)

Smart 3D app

Take control of your Enzo Q hearing aids. Adjust sound settings such as volume, program, base, treble, and even create custom programs based on specific listening environments. Use the app to find your hearing aids if you lose them, check the status of your rechargeable battery, and provide soothing sounds for tinnitus relief. In some cases, your hearing provider can even make remote adjustments to your hearing aids through the app.
The image of Tinnitus Relief app hearing aids
Tinnitus Relief app

Tinnitus Relief app

Relief app is arguably the most advanced app (anywhere) for managing tinnitus. Its features include soothing sounds and imagery, guided meditation, breathing and relaxation exercises, and insightful tips that anyone can understand and apply. If you have an iPhone, you can stream the soothing sounds directly to your hearing aids. Some of the latest Android phones running the latest Android OS can also stream these sounds directly to the hearing aids. In all other cases, you'll need the Phone Clip + accessory if you wish to stream audio from this app to your ReSound Enzo Q hearing aids.

*Double tap on the app to open it in the store

Accessories (by popularity)

The image of TV Streamer 2 hearing aids
TV Streamer 2, $379

TV Streamer 2, $379

Plug it into the back of your TV or soundbar and the audio will be streamed directly to your Enzo Q hearing aids. Others can keep the TV at their preferred volume level, while you set your own volume via the app or on the hearing aids themselves, or on using the buttons on the actual TV streamer device.
The image of Phone Clip + hearing aids
Phone Clip +, $259

Phone Clip +, $259

This is a Bluetooth streamer that allows you to stream audio from your phone to your hearing aids. If you have an iPhone, you don't need this, because iPhones directly stream to ReSound Enzo Q hearing aids. If you have an Android or any other phone and you want to stream from your phone, you need this. Even if you have an iPhone, it still may make sense to get this, because it does allow for hands free phone calls. Wear it around your neck and the microphone picks up your voice for the person on the other end of the call to hear, so you don't have to hold you the phone to your mouth when speaking. The streamer also doubles as a basic remote control, allowing you to change the volume and programs of your hearing aids.
The image of Micro Mic hearing aids
Micro Mic, $269

Micro Mic, $269

If you have a hard time hearing in noise this accessory is a lifesaver. Attach this microphone to a companion's shirt and their voice will stream directly to your Enzo Q hearing aids. Their voice will come through much stronger than all the competing noise in the environment.
The image of Multi Mic hearing aids
Multi Mic, $359

Multi Mic, $359

All the functionality of the Micro Mic, but with the added benefit of being able to automatically adjust the width of the sensitivity beam from very narrow when wearing on your shirt or a lanyard, to medium, to 360 degree for conference listening. In addition, the MultiMic can accept Audio Imput from any devices with a 3.5mm plug (standard audio cable) , advanced FM systems like the Phonak Roger using the 3-prong EuroPlug and even has an included Telecoil for accessing public hearing loops.
The image of Remote Control hearing aids
Remote Control, $129

Remote Control, $129

You probably don't need this. Most people use the app to control their hearing aids, and if not the app, then the push button on the hearing aid itself. But if neither of those suit you, this remote is a simple way to control the volume and program.
The image of Remote Control 2 hearing aids
Remote Control 2, $239

Remote Control 2, $239

You probably don't need this. Most people use the app to control their hearing aids, and if not the app, then the push button on the hearing aid itself. But if neither of those suit you, this remote is a simple way to control the volume and program, with a helpful display screen so you can easily see your hearing aid settings.
Step 1 for better hearing
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