Oticon Real is an outdated model. You may be interested in the newer version, Oticon Intent.

Oticon Real


Chat for price
Real 1
Real 2
Real 3
What's the difference between Real 1, 2, & 3?
The image of color hearing aids
Chroma Beige (49.5% popularity)
Can't decide? No problem! We're happy to ship a few different colors :)

How to buy Oticon Real locally and save

1 Make sure there is a ZipHearing provider in your area Ziphearing man with laptop emoji

Click here to check your location, or simply call us at 877-813-4401.
We’ll answer your questions and let you know your local ZipHearing providers are.

2 Schedule your consultation Ziphearing calendar emoji

At your convenience, call your local ZipHearing provider and schedule your hearing aid consultation. You'll discuss hearing aid options, and if you want, place an order.

3 Hear better Ziphearing chart emoji

Just days after your consultation, pick up your custom-ordered hearing aids and get them programmed to your unique hearing profile. If you don't love them, return them for a 100% refund.

Included with your purchase

Local Care Included

Don’t settle for less- or “remote support.” To get the best performance out of your hearing aids you need local care. It’s why Oticon recommends it, right on their website. Your purchase includes 1 year of unlimited appointments with your local ZipHearing provider. After your first year of ownership, additional appointments with your local ZipHearing provider are (at the most) $65 each.

45 Day Risk-Free Trial

Wear your hearing aids for 45 days. If they don’t change your life, simply bring them back to your local ZipHearing provider and we’ll issue a 100% refund. No restocking fees. No fine print.

3 Year Warranty

Your purchase includes a manufacturer’s 3 year warranty covering repairs, and loss and damage. If a hearing aid is lost or damaged beyond repair during the warranty period, your ZipHearing provider can file what is called a “Loss and Damage Claim” for you, and a new device will be issued, subject to a deductible payable to your hearing provider of $350/aid.


An initial supply of cleaning and maintenance supplies like domes and wax filters are included with your order, and your hearing provider will show you how to use them. If your hearing aids take disposable batteries, we’ll include a year's supply. If your hearing aids are rechargeable, we’ll include a charger.

Financing Available

We offer 12 month interest-free financing through CareCredit. We also offer payment plans of up to 60 months, though interest does apply. Setting up your financing takes just minutes, and a ZipHearing team member will help you through the process.

How Real fits

How hearing aids looks on the head
Chroma Beige (49.5% popularity)
(tap once on the head to see hearing aids off the ear)
Shield icon - 45 Day Risk-Free Trial

45 Day Risk-Free Trial

Shield icon - 45 Day Risk-Free Trial

45 Day Risk-Free Trial

Wear your hearing aids for 45 days. If they don’t change your life, simply bring them back to your local ZipHearing provider and we’ll issue a 100% refund. No restocking fees. No fine print.

Financing icon - Financing Available

Financing Available

Financing icon - Financing Available

Financing Available

We offer 12 month interest-free financing through CareCredit. We also offer payment plans of up to 60 months, though interest does apply. Setting up your financing takes just minutes, and a ZipHearing team member will help you through the process.

Heart icon - local care

Local Care Included

Heart icon - local care

Local Care Included

Don’t settle for less- or “remote support.” To get the best performance out of your hearing aids you need local care. It’s why Oticon recommends it, right on their website. Your purchase includes 1 year of unlimited appointments with your local ZipHearing provider. After your first year of ownership, additional appointments with your local ZipHearing provider are (at the most) $65 each.

Warranty icon - warranty loading=

3 Year Warranty

Warranty icon - warranty

3 Year Warranty

Your purchase includes a manufacturer’s 3 year warranty covering repairs, and loss and damage. If a hearing aid is lost or damaged beyond repair during the warranty period, your ZipHearing provider can file what is called a “Loss and Damage Claim” for you, and a new device will be issued, subject to a deductible payable to your hearing provider of $350/aid.

Supplies icon - provide supplies for the hearing aids


Supplies icon - provide supplies for the hearing aids


An initial supply of cleaning and maintenance supplies like domes and wax filters are included with your order, and your hearing provider will show you how to use them. If your hearing aids take disposable batteries, we’ll include a year's supply. If your hearing aids are rechargeable, we’ll include a charger.

Written by: Jeff Hall, Hearing Aid Specialist
The image of Jeff Hall author

Jeff Hall

President at ZipHearing

Jeff is a California licensed hearing aid dispenser and the President of ZipHearing one of the largest hearing aid suppliers in the country. More about Jeff Hall
Medically reviewed by: Brad Ingrao, Doctor of Audiology
The image of Brad Ingrao author

Brad Ingrao

Editor & Doctor of Audiology

Brad Ingrao, Au.D. has been in clinical practice since 1992 in a variety of settings including academia, private practice, educational audiology, the VA, and the hearing aid industry. More about Brad Ingrao
Updated: Dec 30, 2023
Oticon Real

Stay sharp in the real world

Released February 23, 2023, Oticon Real is now a slightly outdated model, and most ZipHearing customers are ordering the newer Oticon Intent.

Oticon Real is still however the best choice if you want disposable batteries, as the Intent model only comes with rechargeable batteries. We do not think Intent is a drastically-improved product as compared to Oticon Real, but there are some slight improvements and if you are purchasing new hearing aids and wanting rechargeable batteries, we'd recommend the Intent model.

In some cases it may still make sense to go with the Oticon Real model and this should be discussed with your hearing provider.

Oticon Real at a glance

Sales popularity of Real vs.

over the last 60 days

Relative sales popularity of Oticon models over time, based on our internal sales data. Updated weekly. Click on a model name to remove/bring back it from the chart comparsion

Sales stats for Real

Based on our internal sales data. Updated daily.

BOUGHT BY 2% of our customers who've bought Oticon in the last 90 days
RETURNED BY 14.9% of customers during their 45 day trial period for a 100% refund
ZipHearing Return Policy We think you'll love your new hearing aids. But if you don't, return them for a 100% refund within 45 days. No restocking fees, no fine print.

Your savings through ZipHearing

Based on retail pricing figures from HearingTracker.com.

Average retail
39% less
than the national average price
ZipHearing Price

Oticon's product naming convention

Tech level

Real tech levels our customers buy

Based on internal sales data. Updated daily.

Hearing Aids prices range 78.8%
Hearing Aids prices range 78.8%
Tech level % of sales
Real 1 78.8%
Real 2 15.6%
Real 3 5.6%

Oticon Real models

Sorted by popularity. Based on our internal sales data. Updated daily.

Oticon Real comes in 6 different models, shown below. When purchasing through ZipHearing, the model you select doesn't affect the final price you pay — the technology level does; such as the Real 1, 2 or 3. The majority of ZipHearing customers buy the Oticon Real miniRITE R model (shown in position 1 below), with the 1 technology level.

Stock image of Oticon Real miniRITE R miniRITE R
miniRITE R

Mini receiver-in-the-ear style with a lithium-ion rechargeable battery and telecoil

88.5% of our customers choose this model
14.3% of our customers returned this model for a full refund
Stock image of Oticon Real miniRITE T miniRITE T
miniRITE T

Mini receiver-in-the-ear style with a size 312 battery and telecoil

11.1% of our customers choose this model
19.8% of our customers returned this model for a full refund
Stock image of Oticon Real CROS PX miniRITE R CROS PX miniRITE R

Mini receiver-in-the-ear style CROS transmitter with a lithium-ion rechargeable battery

2.5% of our customers choose this model
13% of our customers returned this model for a full refund
Stock image of Oticon Real CROS miniRITE T CROS miniRITE T

Mini receiver-in-the-ear style CROS transmitter with a size 312 battery

0.7% of our customers choose this model
16.7% of our customers returned this model for a full refund
Stock image of Oticon Real miniBTE R miniBTE R
miniBTE R

Mini behind-the-ear style with a lithium-ion rechargeable battery and telecoil

0.3% of our customers choose this model
33.3% of our customers returned this model for a full refund
Stock image of Oticon Real miniBTE T miniBTE T
miniBTE T

Mini behind-the-ear style with a size 13 battery and telecoil

0.1% of our customers choose this model
0% of our customers returned this model for a full refund

Oticon Real 1 vs 2 & more

This is a heavily abbreviated chart designed to focus only on the key differences between models. Features that exist across all technology are not listed below unless they`re necessary to provide context for other features listed. Swipe right to see more features, tap on a feature to read its description.

Model 3 2 1
Sales popularity 5.6% 15.6% 78.8%
Return rate 15.7% 18.3% 14.2%
Tech level Mid Advanced Premium
Channels 47 48 64
Bands 18 20 24
MoreSound Intelligence 2.0 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Neural Noise Surpression 6 dB 6 dB 10 dB
Fitting bandwidth 8 kHz 8 kHz 10 kHz
Clear Dynamics
Better-Ear Priority

*some features may not apply to all models on this page

For a more detailed comparison, see Oticon`s feature matrix

Oticon Real reviews


Customers say

Users praise the hearing aids for their excellent sound quality and comfort, often noting their discreet design. The Bluetooth connectivity allows for easy smartphone integration, although some encounter occasional issues such as maintaining stable connections during phone calls or music streaming. The rechargeable batteries add convenience, and the user-friendly Companion app assists with settings, despite complaints about limited features. However, users may experience an adjustment period for the new sound quality, and some report challenges with background noise and inserting the hearing aids.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

User uploads

Filter by color of hearing aid:
2 oticon real hearing aids sitting in the standard charger with a green light on
chroma beige oticon real hearing aid in half of hand
Preview for the "You can’t see them and they do a great job" video
2 oticon real 1 minirite R hearing aids sitting in the standard charger with right and left indicators showing
2 oticon real hearing aids in palm of hand
2 dark grey real hearing aids leaning against the standard charger
2 dark grey real hearing aids being charged
Oticon real rechargeable device sitting discreetly behind the right ear
Oticon real rechargeable device sitting discreetly behind the left ear
close up image of real hearing aid behind the ear
close up image of receiver wire for real hearing aid following contour of the ear
two real hearing aids being charged with the orange indicator light on
Chestnut brown real 3 minirite R hearing aids sitting behind the ear matching users hair color
side profile shot of user wearing Real 3 minirite R brown hearing aids
close up of real 1 hearing aid sitting in the right ear
close up of real 1 hearing aid sitting in the right ear with glasses frame
2 real 1 devices sitting next to each other on a table
single silver oticon real hearing aid in the palm of a hand
silver hearing aid sitting discreetly behind the ear and matching silver hair color
2 real hearing aids in a charger next to coins laid out on a table to show scale
2 real hearing aids laying flat on a table next to coins to show scale
Two silver colored Oticon Real 1 devices in the palm of users hand
2 silver oticon real 1 laying flat on table next to egg to show scale
a single oticon real 1 in color silver sitting behind the ear matching users hair color
User uploaded content
User uploaded content
two real 3 heairng aids sitting in their charger on a table next to the user guide
Preview for the "I just hear the sounds around me more clearly" video
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oticon real 1 rechargeable color silver with custom earmold
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Preview for the "They are worth every penny." video
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Preview for the "The clarity of sound is unmatched" video
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Preview for the "Not a fan of the new app" video
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Preview for the "I don’t have any complaints at all" video
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User uploaded content
Preview for the "You can barely see it" video
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Preview for the "Much better comprehension than my old aids" video
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oticon real 1 minirite r next to iphone
oticon real 1 minirite r in carry case
oticon real 2 minirite r in hand
oticon real 2 minirite r in charger
oticon charger closed
oticon real 2 minirite r in ear
Preview for the "Helps me with the higher pitch sounds" video
Preview for the "In noisy environments I hear people perfectly" video
Preview for the "My hearing has improved considerably" video
Preview for the "I have been very happy with them" video
Preview for the "I have been quite pleased with it" video
Preview for the "You cannot even see it" video
Preview for the "This is the second pair of Oticon hearing aids that I have owned" video
Preview for the "A big step up" video
Preview for the "The app needs a little bit of work" video
Preview for the "My relationships are improving" video
Preview for the "I hear a lot better" video
Preview for the "I'm still trying different settings" video
Preview for the "Very easy to get used to" video
Preview for the "This is the greatest thing ever" video

Select to learn more

Appearance & comfort (31) Battery & charging (20) Bluetooth & connectivity (22) Customer service (15) Durability & reliability (11) Ease of use & controls (31) Performance in noise (28) Sound quality (70) Value for money (25)
31 customers mention "Appearance & comfort" 27 positive 1 negative

The hearing aids are described as comfortable and discreet, with many users forgetting they are wearing them. The design is sleek and not noticeable to others, contributing to a positive wearing experience.

...they are comfortable... Read more

...soft travel case for the charger and hard case to store the instruments... Read more

...comfortable, natural sounding, rechargeable, and an easy to use app. they are hardly noticeable behind my ear and i love the pink color... Read more

...they are extremely comfortable to the point i don’t even know i have them on... Read more

...friends don't know i am wearing them, so they hide well... Read more

...these hearing aids are as comfy as my favorite pair of slippers... Read more

...they are extremely comfortable and easy to place into ears... Read more

...nit used to having something in my ears but i’m adjusting... Read more

...they are comfortable... Read more

...the hearing aids are very comfortable... Read more

20 customers mention "Battery & charging" 18 positive 1 negative

The rechargeable battery is appreciated for its convenience, with users noting long battery life and easy charging. However, some users wish for improvements in the charger design.

...battery life isn't as long as desired, i realize rechargeable convenience comes with dimension restriction to keep the device as small as possible... Read more

...rechargeable... Read more

...love that i can recharge them... Read more

...pop them in the charging station, and they’re ready for action from sunrise to sunset... Read more

...the charger works well and makes it highly improbable that i will lose another pair!... Read more

...love the smart charger... Read more

...the charge lasts all day and evening... Read more

...being rechargeable, they are a lot more convenient to use... Read more

...shortly after getting my hearing aids, i received a package in the mail from zip. it was 2 full boxes of batteries!... Read more

...the battery charger is easy to use... Read more

22 customers mention "Bluetooth & connectivity" 12 positive 8 negative

Bluetooth connectivity is generally appreciated, with seamless integration with smartphones for calls and music streaming. However, some users experience issues with connectivity stability, requiring frequent re-pairing of devices.

...transitions between sound via iphone and other devices is easy and seamless... Read more

...only problem i've had is in listening to something through bluetooth on my phone. the hearing aids often lose the connection... Read more

...i also like the privacy with my iphone when i turn off the speaker and listen to calls on bluetooth... Read more

...with the new app, the hearing aids have to be re-paired to the phone every time you put the hearing aids in the morning. that's not so bad, but with this app the hearing aids are constantly unpairing for no apparent reason, and you must re-pair them several times a day... Read more

...the bluetooth input for phone calls is much better compared to my last pair of aids... Read more

...they play nice with my iphone – calls, music, and podcasts all in sync... Read more

...the hearing aids pair okay but sometimes they unpair and you have to pair them again... Read more

...the music streaming is a little unstable unless you carry the iphone in your right breast pocket... Read more

...sometimes one aid will not connect until i kill the app and start over... Read more

...phone connectivity is great. work well with the tv app... Read more

15 customers mention "Customer service" 15 positive 0 negative

Customer service from ZipHearing is highly praised, with users appreciating the prompt and helpful responses. The process of purchasing and receiving the hearing aids is described as smooth and efficient.

...ziphearing customer service is incredible... Read more

...zip hearing was prompt in the responses to my inquiries & helped me find a local provider... Read more

...they were awesome to deal with, prompt communication, easy to purchase, and were delivered to my audiologist in 2 or 3 days... Read more

...the experience with jeff was incredible... Read more

...ziphearing is a great company to work with. zip was quick to answer questions, the wealth of info they have on all of the aids is outstanding, their pricing and commitment to selling the most current aids is outstanding... Read more

...i’ve had a really good professional set them up, explained everything so clearly and made it easy to understand... Read more

...zip hearing was fantastic!... Read more

...i got a great price and incredible service from ziphearing... Read more

...great service... Read more

...i must say that the ziphearing process really works!!... Read more

11 customers mention "Durability & reliability" 10 positive 1 negative

The hearing aids are considered reliable and durable, with users appreciating the long-lasting performance and solid build quality. Some users have experienced issues with the new app, but overall satisfaction with durability remains high.

...seem to be reliable... Read more

...i wore them once in the shower for less than a minute with no problems... Read more

...i am happy with the 3 year warranty. i am hoping that the highly rated oticon provide many years of help for me... Read more

...i had my last pair of hearing aids for over 9 years and they were still working!... Read more

...solid, reliable - is better than advertised... Read more

...and they killed the old, dependable app and forced us to this buggy software... Read more

...i stepped in the shower twice and got them lightly wet before realizing my mistake without any damage or issues... Read more

...i think with careful maintenance these hearing aids will last a long time with good performance... Read more

...there is no feedback, which was bothersome thing i have experienced with previous hearing aids... Read more

...they appear to be very well designed and constructed... Read more

31 customers mention "Ease of use & controls" 27 positive 4 negative

Users find the Oticon Real hearing aids easy to use, with a user-friendly app that allows for convenient adjustments. The aids are comfortable to wear, and many users forget they are wearing them. However, some users experienced issues with the new app, finding it less intuitive than previous versions.

...i was also pleased that i could easily change the hearing aid settings with oticon's iphone app... Read more

...an easy to use app... Read more

...they are easy to manipulate, have all the features that i want, and are easy to maintain... Read more

...so far i have used them every day since acquisition (about three weeks)... Read more

...from my first time i was at my appointment, i knew i would love them... Read more

...the problem is that just around the time that i bought the new pair of hearing aids, oticon came out with a completely new app for the phone (iphone in my case) and the app is pretty bad... Read more

...the sound is adjustable from my iphone app... Read more

...my doctor used "real ear measurements" when fitting/programming my aids at my first appointment. i understand that is very important to do... Read more

...very user-friendly, and the app is simple to use... Read more

...it's easy to forget i even had them on... Read more

28 customers mention "Performance in noise" 23 positive 4 negative

The hearing aids perform well in noisy environments, with users noting improved ability to hear conversations in crowded places. The aids effectively reduce background noise and wind noise, although some users still experience challenges in very noisy settings.

...i’ve had some trouble adjusting in large crowds... Read more

...the party/restaurant setting in particular makes a real difference... Read more

...provider adjusted the aids and provided 2 programs to reduce background noise... Read more

...i still have some issues in restaurants where many people are talking. but i can hear most of the conversation when we have been out to dinner with friends recently... Read more

...i have had trouble in the past with not being able to understand in crowds or loud noises but these are a huge improvement... Read more

...enable me to join a conversation in a noisy restaurant... Read more

...it is much easier to hear conversations in loud places... Read more

...they already work much better than my old ones... Read more

...much greater range, effective hearing correction... Read more

...they do will in reducing wind noise and also noise from contacting my glasses... Read more

70 customers mention "Sound quality" 66 positive 4 negative

The sound quality of the Oticon Real hearing aids is generally praised, with many users experiencing improved hearing and clarity. Customers appreciate the ability to hear subtle sounds and the natural sound quality. However, a few users reported issues with sound quality, such as occasional warbling and whistling.

...i noticed that my hearing improved immediately with these new hearing aids particularly with word comprehension... Read more

...hearing in normal settings (1-on-1, conversations with small groups, teaching/sermons) is great and clear... Read more

...not completely satisfied with the sound quality... Read more

...good quality and good sound at a reasonable price. they work well... Read more

...oticon real1 -audio is the best i've heard for many years, i hear crisp distinct sounds i've missed for 20 yrs... Read more

...sound quality is fine. voices sound dimensional and clear. even my wife, who speaks quietly, in a voice obviously higher in pitch than an-easier-to-hear male voice... Read more

...best of all, i can now hear better... Read more

...i was pleasantly surprised by the sound quality of these compared to my previous aids, i wasn't expecting a big difference , but i am hearing subtle sounds that i haven't heard in years... Read more

...my hearing is enhanced. my oticon real 1 are great... Read more

...sound quality is very good... Read more

25 customers mention "Value for money" 21 positive 3 negative

The hearing aids are considered a good value for money, with many users highlighting the cost savings from purchasing through ZipHearing. Customers appreciate the quality and performance of the aids, despite some finding them expensive.

...i'm glad that i ended up getting the real 2. as a retired systems professional they more than meet my needs... Read more

...top of the line hearing aids at an outstanding value... Read more

...good quality and good sound at a reasonable price... Read more

...i shopped price from several different places and i was able to save $1300 from zip hearing. thank you for making the hearing aids i wanted affordable... Read more

...only had these a few weeks but so far i think these are a keeper... Read more

...although my hearing loss is minimal, i have found that my hearing is enhanced with the use of the aids... Read more

...zip is great, saved 40%-50% off retail pricing... Read more

...i have had several hearing aids over the years and these are by far the best... Read more

...the price on the aids is substantially less than i would have paid working through an audiologist at a local hospital group in my area... Read more

...on the whole, i’m very satisfied with my choice to get my hearing aids, i’m very happy with my audiologist, and with zip hearing... Read more

Showing 90 of 90 total reviews Clear all filters

Private from Los Angeles, CA (on Mar 15, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

A big improvement

I was lucky enough that Oticon Real was released during my trial period with the previous generation model. I honestly didn't expect to notice a tremendous difference between the 2 models, but have been pleasantly surprised that the Real are indeed noticeably better than More. As advertised, they are better at reducing wind noise, and touching noises when I adjust the hearing aids. Grateful that the timing worked out that I could exchange the More for the newer Real model. 5 stars overall.
Jeffrey from Morristown, NJ (on Mar 24, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Silver Grey)
Color: Silver Grey

First Time User

Purchased the Real hearing aids since I was not hearing conversations well in loud environments. They’re comfortable and can barely be seen. I’m still in the adjustment stage with the audiologist so I expect them to get even better. Conversations in restaurants and other crowded places are significantly improved. My only complaint is that there’s low level background buzzing/humming unless I turn the volume down, which reduces the value of the hearing aids so that doesn’t make sense. On the other hand, it’s still better than the tinnitus I get 24/7 without the hearing aids.
Video text transcript available
Nick from Tenefly, NJ (on Apr 06, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

First impression… woah!

First impression… woah! As soon as I put these in my ears it was a whole different experience!

The audio provided by the Oticon Real 1 minirite R hearing aids was crystal clear and very dynamic. Whatever AI-based system they have going on in these is on another level. The aids allowed to me hear and experience everything that was going on around me, but at a more controlled and defined level. I have used other hearing aids from other brands before and was shocked at how amazing the Oticons were. Do the Real’s perform better than the other aids in every way? No. However, the Real’s can certainly hold their own.

For the TV and display enthusiasts there, It was as if I had been hearing in HD with my other aids and was now catapulted into the world of 4k. The dynamic range is incredible and the “Deep Neural Network”, or Oticon’s AI, does a stellar job at controlling the audio input from the world around you. Unlike other aids, I was not able to notice certain frequencies dipping in and out in response to the AI controlling sound from around me. Everything was smooth and crisp with fairly controlled and consistent audio signal from the aid. Furthermore, the audio quality while streaming from a device (music, videos, etc) is certainly of higher quality than other brands that I have used.

The app and iPhone pairing experience was effortless and foolproof. It just worked, which is hard to come by these days. The Oticon companion app has a very clean and user friendly interface and is quite responsive.

The charger could benefit from a few changes, in my opinion. I would prefer to have a charger that covers the aids when they are charging. It would protect them from the endless supply of dog hair that can be found in my house. Also, I would have preferred a charger with a removable charging cable, perhaps one with a USB-C port. The cable on the charger is not removable.

Overall, the Oticon Real 1 minirite R hearing aids are an excellent set of aids. I was hard-pressed to try and find any major negatives when writing this review. Are there some minor (subjective) flaws? Yes. I would still recommend these to anyone looking for a premium hearing aid who is looking for a seamless and effortless setup and user experience. I give these two thumbs up and my dog just added in two paws up!
Nikki from New York, NY (on May 17, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Oticon Real 1 is a Great Hearing Aid

The pro's - The natural sound quality is a big plus. There is clarity not just volume. I rarely have to ask anyone to repeat themselves. I wear my aids from the time I get up until I go to bed. I find them so comfortable I have to remind myself I am wearing them. They appear to be very well designed and constructed. I got the Companion Clip Bluetooth to go with the aids. I love it as it liberates be from being tied to my phone. I can hear and be heard even if the phone is a few rooms away from where I am talking..
Steve from Orlando, FL (on Apr 25, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Diamond Black)
Color: Diamond Black

Improvement in tinnitus

After about 1 month of wearing them, the "ringing" in my left ear has subsided quite a bit. I have found that my hearing in loud environments such as restaurants and bars has also been noticeably improved. They still make me want to ich my ear canal, but that too has been getting better over time.
Al from Mechanicsville, VA (on May 05, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Very satisfied

I purchases the Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R and have been very satisfied with the fit, build quality and performance. I also received a TV Adapter 3.0 at no charge after I read the ZipHearing YouTube Oticon Review.
Ulf from Santa Monica, CA (on Apr 17, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R


I have now had the Oticon Real for 1 month and they are excellent. Good sound quality, clear and comfortable to wear. The app is easy to use, even for a technically challenged person like me. I am very happy with my choice.
Karin from Bradenton, FL (on Jun 26, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 3 miniRITE R


This is my second hearing aid purchase. Bought my first pair 4 years ago and those were helpful for my minimal to moderate hearing loss. These are such a vast improvement over those initial aids, would highly recommend Oticon to anyone considering an investment in better hearing. They are comfortable and the sound quality is great - crisp and clear w/o being overpowering. Easy to set up/use. Charging is easy. Am very pleased overall with these hearing aids.
David from Chattahoochee Hills, GA (on Jun 22, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 3 miniRITE R (Chestnut Brown)
Color: Chestnut Brown

Oticon Real have given me the clearest sound

Oticon Real have given me the clearest sound I've ever experienced from a hearing aid. I have tried several and nothing has come close to the full range of sound I get from these hearing aids. They are very comfortable, I often forget I even have them in my ears. The bluetooth connectivity to my Android phone has been wonderful. I find myself listening to books and podcast every chance I get. Even while streaming to them, I get all-day wearability of 18 to 20 hours. The Reals are so small, they simply look like the back of my glasses, no one even knows I have them in.
Ken from Pensacola, FL (on Aug 08, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

Great hearing aides

After COVID in November last year, my Tinnitis increased 2 fold and it was apparent that I needed to get some hearing help. I 'rented' a set of Oticon Reals from the first hearing audiologist I visited. The price quoted was ridiculous, so I checked the Internet and found Zip Hearing and got the price down to a still overly expensive, but more bearable amonunt. I was a bit worried that the Oticon Reals might not be able to help with the Tinnitis, but in most fairly quiet settings, the Oticons really improve hearing. After a couple of weeks, they are comfortable, simple to insert and operate. Easy to charge. Are forgiving... I stepped in the shower twice and got them lightly wet before realizing my mistake without any damage or issues. After a few seconds, I don't normally know that they are in and on. Then dislikes... In a noisy room, the highs are still very good and the very lows have always been good, but the middle ground is very muddy. I hope a trip to my audiologist can fix this. I'm not very happy with the iPhone app. Far too little control. Realistically I can only turn them up and down.... and I can do that with the little buttons on the back of the hearing aides. I do have a connection to my cell phone when it rings, but, if I'm driving, it isn't loud enough to hear and that includes turning the 3 sliders that should boost streaming music all the way up. If I'm in the house, it works. Is this a boostable setting for the app that the audiologist can set? If not, why.
John from Portland, OR (on May 23, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Oticon Real-1

The sound quality is excellent and they are very comfortable. I had my hearing tested through my ENT provider and was able to test drive two hearing aids for comparison. Going into the test, I did not think Oticon was going to be my first choice but they became my first choice.
Gerald from Las Vegas, NV (on May 26, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Silver)
Color: Silver

Improved Technology Hearing Aids

I had trouble clearly hearing and understanding speech with my ~ 5 year old hearing aids. I tried and was shocked how much better the newer technology present in the oticon Real 1 Minirite improved both issues I was experiencing.
William from Vacaville, CA (on May 27, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Excellent hearing

The sound quality, as far as I can tell is outstanding. I now hear things that I forgot even existed. When outside where the wind is blowing there is very little noise being picked up from said wind. There is no feedback, which was bothersome thing I have experienced with previous hearing aids. They are so comfortable I almost forget to remove them when going to bed. I can think of no cons with these.
Howard from West Boylston, MA (on Jul 26, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE T

Very Satisfied

Sound quality is excellent. I am very happy with the Bluetooth connection for my iPhone which gives me great audio. The tubing connection from the hearing aid to the microphone is very stiff initially making it more difficult to put the microphone into the ear channel but loosens up with use. I use more filters than I used with my last pair of hearing aids but the sound quality is better so the trade off isn’t really important. I opted for the battery replacement units & I am very satisfied with my choice. I think with careful maintenance these hearing aids will last a long time with good performance.
Mark from Fairport, NY (on May 24, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Silver)
Color: Silver

First time buyer/user

I bought the Oticon Real hearing aids a month ago. I can now have a conversation in a noisy restaurant and hear tv shows clearly! Ziphearing set me up with an appointment in less than one week and I walked out of that appointment with my hearing aids in my ears. The training on how to use them and the app that’s downloaded onto my phone was quick and easy. I consider this purchase to be one of the most significant investments in my future, right behind my 403b contributions. Terrific service!
Nan from Santa Monica, CA (on Jul 27, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Not great

I was not particularly impressed with the Oticon Real. I found them uncomfortable. I will admit to not being 100% sure I want hearing aids at all, but these are definitely not great for me. The technology was far below what I expected. I had tried the Widex brand prior to this and the technology far surpassed these. I am returning them today and will decide what my next option will be.
Mary Ann from Garden City, MI (on Jul 14, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Still trying to decide

I got Oticon Real 1 hearing aids more for help with tinnitus than for actual hearing loss. So, as my hearing loss is only manifested at the very high end of the frequency scale, I haven't had a real representation of improvement. I can't say that they've helped with tinnitus. The Real 1 is easy to use and comfortable to wear. I forget I am wearing them and they are almost invisible to others. Sound is clean and synchronous between the two pieces. They bluetooth well with my iPhone, but it took some work to make that happen originally. Overall, they are a good purchase. The great expense, and the minimal help they give me, make me think twice about keeping them.
Robert from Tucson, AZ (on Jul 06, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

Excellent Service and a wonderful savings

The sound quality of my Oticon Real hearing aids is wonderful. I particularly like the optional settings I can use and the direct streaming from my phone or TV. ZipHearing hooked me up with a local provider who is extremely proficient and helpful, close to my house. I received the aids quickly, which meet my timeline of leaving town for the summer. I will continue using the local provider for hearing services and ZipHearing again, this time for my wife.
Matt from Phoenix, OR (on Jul 06, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 3 miniRITE R (Silver)
Color: Silver

Upgraded my older Phonaks to Oticons

I needed a boost in higher frequencies to discern voices and the Oticon Reals do just that. The technology, as explained by my audiologist, has been improved and collectively, distracting noise has been greatly reduced.
David from Yucaipa, CA (on Jun 12, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R (Silver Grey)
Color: Silver Grey

Noticable Difference

Better sound quality, hear a little more. Others had a lisp or chit sound when I spoke. Yet the brand I'm purchasing have almost compleatly removed those sounds. They stay in my ears better. The app also lets me hear my music though my hearing devices. The only wish would be is the phone calls and music volume would be more adjustable. If there is any room sounds or voices I can't here the phone call. Once I swich back to the phone itself I hear the call (or music) fine again. It has "AI" learning and I don't know if it will learn that? Hopefully. Right now I'm trying their new Beta App, it works well. They now say it's ready to replace the previous app, so that should mean improved tech in the future. I believe when you say that, Oticon Real 2 is different. It gives you better access to your full ability of sound by using technology that supports how your brain naturally works. Including a built-in AI intelligence that can learn to recognize all types of sounds. I do feel I’d been missing a lot of the natural sounds around me. With other hearing aids prior, all the surrounding sounds were loud. This has really changed how I feel about hearing aids. Now I know a brand that can help. Thank you ZipHearing and OCTION REAL 2 to help me hear better in a boisterously loud world we live in today.
Video text transcript available
Bobby from Pasadena, MD (on Sep 06, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 3 miniRITE R (Silver)
Color: Silver

Sound quality is very good

Sound quality’s is very good, but not as good as my old Phonaks. They not as easy to put into the ear as my Phonaks because of the retainers getting in the way.
Steve from Pasadena, MD (on Jul 17, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R

Hearing Better

The Oticon real 2 RITE hearing aids are helping me to regain some of the frequencies I have lost over the years. The units are discrete and not noticeable to most people. The sound quality and flexibility through the app on my phone allows me to adjust for the environment I am in. The rechargeable version I have are convenient allowing me to go all day with no worry about losing the benefit of my hearing aids. The upgraded charging station allows me to take it on a trip without having to keep it plugged in for several recharges. While still new to having hearing aids I am already seeing the benefit of choosing to wear one and making the decision to go with Oticon.
Doug from Carmel, IN (on Jul 31, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Real 1 is Outstanding

Sound quality is great on these. The difference in the wind noise is far superior to the model I was previously using. It is a bit tricky to figure out the blue tooth connectivity when in a vehicle using your cell phone but overall these are a great improvement.
Grace from West Hartford, CT (on Aug 31, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

So far, GREAT

First of all I LOVE that they are RECHARGABLE because I'm now able to wear them all the time. This is my 2nd pair of Oticon but after my 1st fitting, I was having the same issues with these new ones (Oticon Real1) as I did the older ones (Oticon about 10 yrs. old). In order to hear clearly I had to put my finger in my ear putting pressure on the HA. I went back and the provider resolved this by changing the domes to much larger OPEN ENDED ones with NO rubber TIP at the end so the sound went directly into my ear canal. ( I did try several different domes with my older ones but nothing worked). So I'm very happy about this. Do wish I had extras ones though. Also, after payment, they literally came the next day. Again, so far I'm extremely happy with them.
James from Washington, DC (on Oct 25, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Best hearing aids I have had

The sound quality on my new Oticon Real hearing aids is great. It is much easier to hear conversations in loud places. My only quibble is that Oticon’s new upgraded phone app is not quite as good as the old app. The hearing aids pair okay but sometimes they unpair and you have to pair them again.
Dan from Tempe, AZ (on Nov 22, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R


Earl from Henderson, NV (on Mar 18, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Silver)
Color: Silver

Best I've heard

Oticon real1 -audio is the best I've heard for many years, I hear crisp distinct sounds I've missed for 20 yrs. Battery life isn't as long as desired, I realize rechargeable convenience comes with dimension restriction to keep the device as small as possible. Zip hearing was prompt in the responses to my inquiries & helped me find a local provider.
Lori from Carmichael, CA (on Jun 29, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

Exceeded Expectations

I didn’t want to spend the money on hearing aids. It got to a point where getting them became must have. I tried a couple of different ones to get the right solution. I ended up with top of the line Oticon I tried Real3 and the. Real1. I kept the Real1 which was more money but noticeably better for me with sound separation. I didn’t want to spend the money but am now quite sure I got what I needed and it’s worth it!
Tom from Mullica Hill, NJ (on Jun 29, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE T

Good Hearing Aids

I have owned hearing aids for probably 6 years. I recently upgraded to the new Oticon Real 1 aids. They are quite superior to the aids that I had prior to this. I am very pleased, so far, as I have only had them one month.
Thomas from Arcadia, CA (on Jul 06, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Real is the best for me

I have tried 5 different hearing aids. My hearing is very poor and Oticon Real is the best - even my wife says I hear better. Phone app helps locate them.
Robert from Lakewood, CO (on May 28, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Huge Step Up in Hearing Quality

I have been using hearing aids for five years, so used to their features and the process of maintaining them. The Oticon Real hearing aids were a significant step up in hearing quality and ease of use. As an active person, I use hearing aids in a wide variety of conditions. Initial impressions are that the overall sound is clearer, wind noise is reduced significantly, and the ability to hear a conversation clearly in crowded areas like restaurants is a marked improvement. Moving to rechargeable hearing aids is a great improvement, with an easy charging case and no need to purchase batteries and associated trash.
Richard from Las Vegas, NV (on Jun 02, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige


I am very satisfied with the Oticon real 1, they are excellent. Can hear a lot better than I did before. The sound is very normal. I can even hear words very clearly, before people were hard to understand. Back ground noise is at a minimum. All in allI I am very satisfied.
Susan from Skokie, IL (on Jun 09, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Very pleased

These hearing aids are more comfortable than I ever expected. It took a while to get used to inserting them, but every day it becomes easier. I have small ears, so it's a bit trickier than for someone with larger ears. The sound quality is exceptional!
Bruce from Philadelphia, PA (on Jun 19, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Easy to use

Excellent sound quality and features. Easy to use with features adjustable to environment and circumstance. Blue tooth connectivity with smartphone is an advantage.
Stephen from Walnut Creek, CA (on Jun 29, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R (Steel Grey)
Color: Steel Grey

My Oticons

I love my new Oticons! I wish I could wear em to bed! I have a fan that helps me sleep and I can hear it so much better with them in.Damn the charging port (although it’s a good one)! Keep making new ones for when these wear out.Thanks a million!
Video text transcript available
Harry from Annandale, VA (on Jul 24, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Silver Grey)
Color: Silver Grey

We are happy with our Oticon Reals

My wife and I recently purchased Real hearing aids from ZipHearing and we are both delighted with our purchase. The sound quality is excellent, both in everyday usage and through the tv adapter. They have functioned flawlessly, especially since we downloaded the new Oticon “Companion” app.
Sunny from Portland, OR (on Aug 16, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE T

Best Hearing Aids Ever!

This is my second pair of hearing aids from this brand and I'm still loving them. Even though I have several programs, I rarely need to change them. I sometimes forget I have them in, until I realize I'm hearing everything, so they must be in - they're that comfortable.
Vicki from Cumming, GA (on Aug 28, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

Easy Adjustment to Oticon mini Rite Rs

From the first day these hearing aids were comfortable all day and provided great hearing improvement. I had some slight itching for a few minutes after insertion for a couple of days. After a few tweaks on the next visit, my rating will probably go to a 10. I am shocked at how I simply forget I am wearing them, and I have not once asked anyone to repeat themselves since I got them.
Joe from Ocala, FL (on Sep 12, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

We love the new phone features

Sound quality is good, phone connectivity is great. Work well with the tv app. They hold a charge all day. The app for the hearing aids isn’t great, needs more flexibility to add a sound cone.
Clark from Magnolia, TX (on Sep 13, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

Clear hearing

Sound is good, I still struggle with a few areas of clear hearing, restaurants, TV, noisy environment, but these are the best hearing aids I have worn.
Greg from Carmel, IN (on Jun 22, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Steel Grey)
Color: Steel Grey

New technology makes a world of difference

Seven years ago I got premium hearing aids. With them, I could participate in meetings at work again. But they weren't great. I still could not hear well in noisy restaurants. Bluetooth streaming was possible with an extra gadget, but it wasn't reliable. It also shut me out of the sounds around me when I was streaming. My new Oticon Real hearing aids solve these problems and more. I can hear so many more details. The clock ticking in the hallway sounds like a real clock again. I can stream sound from my TV (using TV Adapter 3.0) and also hear my wife when she speaks. Another review mentioned an occasional warble to the sound. I get that when I play my saxophone. If Oticon updates the firmware to fix that, I will change my rating to 10 stars.
Video text transcript available
Bruce from Philadelphia, PA (on Aug 17, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Very good sound quality and functionality

This is my first pair of hearing aids, so my only point of comparison is my highly degraded natural hearing. Many, many aspects of these aids I consider delightful – the sound quality is generally very good and much better than I expected. They do an excellent job in windy and noisy environments, and seem to work, almost invisibly in adjusting themselves in different environments. I’m still working out how enjoyable listening to music can be. This is one reason I decided to get hearing aids, and there’s a certain phasiness and tinniness that makes listening to music a bit of a struggle. It’s great, however, to hear high frequencies again, which offsets some of the other issues I’m finding. Not so great is Bluetooth functionality — pairing with the app is sometimes laborious, although that seems to have improved with the latest version. Would prefer a more precise equalizer than the three bands offered, as well as more features for customizing the sound.
James from Knoxville, TN (on Sep 21, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Made for iPhone or MFi is not an advantage

I purchased a pair of Oticon Real 1's a few weeks ago. They have the most natural sound compare to the other set that I tried for 3 weeks prior to discovering ZipHearing. I did more investigation and determined the Oticon Real 1 and purchased them thinking the limits in Apple product functionality that was reported couldn't be correct. After all they are MFi. The music streaming is a little unstable unless you carry the iPhone in your right breast pocket. But ignoring that they work well with the single device.
John from Freeport, IL (on Sep 22, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Silver)
Color: Silver

My oticon real review

I am amazed at all the sounds I've been missing! The quality of sound is very good, not tinny at all. I got the real 1 and they are very lightweight, I don't even notice I'm wearing them! Very discreet too!
Dave from Carmel, IN (on Sep 27, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Steel Grey)
Color: Steel Grey

Outstanding ambient sound quality

I'm new to hearing aids and only tried a few brands but all of the features Oticon touts are really good. Of particular note is how good sounds are other than voices. Birds, tree leaves, crickets...all sounds that I have been missing come through loud and clear with these devices. They don't sacrifice everything else just to increase my ability to hear someone talking near by me. They do will in reducing wind noise and also noise from contacting my glasses. Extremely comfortable once my audiologist removed the extra keeper piece. Highly recommend these devices.
John from Sun City West, AZ (on Sep 18, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE T (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

Great aids, buggy iphone app.

These are my second hearing aids. The tinnitus support is important to me and there are a few bugs in the app. Sometimes one aid will not connect until I kill the app and start over. Other times the tinnitus masking sound changes. The Oticon Companion is more complicated than the one it replaced and offer no additional features. It takes away some capability to change the tinnitus waveform. Oticon needs to learn how to design a user interface. And they killed the old, dependable app and forced us to this buggy software.
Video text transcript available
Bob from Glenside, PA (on Sep 28, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

Glad I made the switch

They were comfortable right out of the box. The clarity was much better then my other brands. They are more money but worth it. If you can’t hear right with the cheaper brands then what good are they. Had a pair from miracle ear that were more then the Oticon and they were a total waste of money. So far I’m happy with the results.
Phyllis from Springfield, VA (on Oct 09, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Best pair of hearing aids I have ever had.

The quality of the sound is excellent The battery charger is easy to use The hearing aids are very comfortable The parts to replace filters and ear pieces, are easy to manage I really like having a battery charger.
Jeffrey from San Francisco, CA (on Oct 13, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R


Much improved hearing experience; solid, reliable - is better than advertised. After trying another less expensive brand, these have much greater range, effective hearing correction and more technologically advanced.
Alan from Portland, ME (on Oct 23, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Big Improvement

I'm still getting used to my new hearing aids, but they already work much better than my old ones, and being rechargeable, they are a lot more convenient to use. The app is also pretty easy to use, and I'm still experimenting with that.
Carl from Lakewood, CO (on Oct 25, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Steel Grey)
Color: Steel Grey

Great service

These are my first hearing aids but I have had no problems getting use to wearing them and I love being able to hear the things I was missing out on.
Francine from Lake Mary, FL (on Nov 06, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

The sound is clear

I am very impressed with my new hearing aids. The sound is clear. I have had trouble in the past with not being able to understand in crowds or loud noises but these are a huge improvement. They are comfortable and the charge lasts all day and evening.
John from Mechanicsville, VA (on Nov 14, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Great process to purchase hearing aids

The hearing Aids don’t make sounds loud they make everything clear and easy to understand. Very user-friendly, and the app is simple to use. Love the smart charger
Lonnie from Lubbock, TX (on Oct 14, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE T

Zip Hearing Is Awesome!

My new Oticon Real miniRITE hearing aids are really nice and work better than any other aids I’ve had in the past! BUT - What I want to share is how awesome Zip Hearing is! After paying absurd prices for my aids locally, I did an internet search for an online source. Zip Hearing has the best reviews so I filled out a contact form. Shortly after, I was called and told that they recommended a local place for me to be tested and fitted. That was a great experience itself, but, my hearing aids were in the very next day! Shortly after getting my hearing aids, I received a package in the mail from Zip. It was 2 full boxes of batteries! I would highly recommend ziphearing.com if you want to save money and get great service to boot! Thanks Zip Hearing!!!
Video text transcript available
Peggy from Camp Hill, PA (on Oct 22, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

This is my third pair

This is my third pair of hearing aids, and the first time I used ZipHearing. I ordered the Oticon Real 1 hearing aids because I have significant hearing loss. Hearing aids keep on getting better and better! I have been using hearing aids for over 15 years. I had my last pair of hearing aids for over 9 years and they were still working! With my new Oticon Real 1 hearing aids, I am hearing sounds again that I wasn't able to hear, and I am looking forward to having them last as long as my previous ones. I would not think of using anything but this brand, and I must say that the ZipHearing process really works!!
Judy from Henderson, NV (on Nov 14, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R

Just getting used to them

They seem to be working out fine. Nit used to having something in my ears but I’m adjusting. The sound quality is good. I’ve had a really good professional set them up, explained everything so clearly and made it easy to understand.
Art from Plainview, NY (on Nov 22, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Terracotta)
Color: Terracotta

My Oticon Real Hearing Aids

These hearing aids are as comfy as my favorite pair of slippers. They play nice with my iPhone – calls, music, and podcasts all in sync. Pop them in the charging station, and they’re ready for action from sunrise to sunset. The sound is adjustable from my iPhone App. In short, after my first 3 weeks of wear, I can say they are a great user-friendly hearing aid.
Doug from Springfield, OR (on Dec 08, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE T (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

Great Experience

Just got a pair of Oticon Real 1’s. I can hear WELL, again. The experience with Jeff was incredible. I live in a small town in Nevada and had to travel to find an audiologist. Had a trip to the big city planned, so Jeff hooked me up with an audiologist, I scheduled the appointments and Jeff overnighted the new hearing aids. Within several days I was headed home and hearing better than I have in YEARS. Zip is great, saved 40%-50% off retail pricing. I recommend these people to everyone I know that may need aids or wish to upgrade.
John from Rockville Centre, NY (on Oct 26, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE T

Finally, no hassle hearing aids that work!

This is my third pair of hearing aids, and my expectations were not too high. I didn't think that a product actually existed that would give me natural sound and enable me to join a conversation in a noisy restaurant. Then I stumbled on to ZipHearing. It was a totally different experience from what I was used to. I chose the Oticon real 1. I'm now hearing sounds I never heard before in conversation, walking in nature, even in noisy restaurants. The sounds are natural and comfortable. No spike from sudden noises, no wind noise, no squealing. It's easy to forget I even had them on. Just as important, I got a great price and incredible service from ZipHearing.
Brad from Bedford, NH (on Nov 10, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

I was shocked

I never knew how much I was missing! At my hearing test, it showed I had moderate hearing loss above 2000. I wasn’t sure I needed hearing aids. After a consult with my hearing specialist, and going over all my options of different hearing aid suppliers I decided on the Oticon Real 1. Zip Hearing was fantastic! After receiving my final fitting, and having my hearing aids for a week, I never noticed how much I was missing, even though I thought I could hear ok. I’m hearing things I was missing, birds singing, leaves blowing, I keep asking my wife “what’s that noise”. The biggest surprise is the sound of my guitar so much fuller, I can distinguish the difference between the lows and high,(and my mistakes). On the whole, I’m very satisfied with my choice to get my hearing aids, I’m very happy with my Audiologist, and with Zip Hearing.
Leah from Lakewood, CO (on Nov 21, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE T
Color: Chroma Beige

Very pleased

I am pleased with the sound quality, especially after my audiologist made an adjustment. At first the sound was a bit "tinny" -- but now it's much better. I was also pleased that my doctor used "real ear measurements" when fitting/programming my aids at my first appointment. I understand that is very important to do.
Video text transcript available
Rod from Skokie, IL (on Jan 05, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

My first hearing aids

I am wearing Oticon Real 1 hearing aids, my first set of hearing aids. I am not an expert, but the sound quality seems fine and I can hear high frequencies that I could not before. I wore them once in the shower for less than a minute with no problems. Friends don't know I am wearing them, so they hide well. My wife says I am no longer cupping my hand to my ear and asking "What did you say?" I also like the privacy with my iPhone when I turn off the speaker and listen to calls on Bluetooth.
James from Skokie, IL (on Nov 23, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Steel Grey

Moving up to the most highly rated hearing aids

I needed to replace the hearing aids I have used for 4 and 1/2 years. Had issues with the microphones on these aids. Both the right and left mics have failed more than once on my old aids. Therefore I did a lot of research this time on what the top brands brought to the table and any info I could find on reliability too. This led me to ZipHearing and Oticon Real 1. Based on what I read and watched I believed they would be better for me than other brands. I am very happy with my decision. ZipHearing is a great company to work with. The price on the aids is substantially less than I would have paid working through an audiologist at a local hospital group in my area. Zip was quick to answer questions, the wealth of info they have on all of the aids is outstanding, their pricing and commitment to selling the most current aids is outstanding. The quality of sound from the Real 1 and the ability to understand words is much better than my 1st pair of aids. The bluetooth input for phone calls is much better compared to my last pair of aids. They have worked well for me in a wide range of environments. I still have some issues in restaurants where many people are talking. But I can hear most of the conversation when we have been out to dinner with friends recently. I am happy with the 3 year warranty. I am hoping that the highly rated Oticon provide many years of help for me.
Video text transcript available
James from Washington, DC (on Nov 29, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE T

Great hearing aids with one hitch

The Oticon Real hearing aids that I purchased are great.. I have had several hearing aids over the years and these are by far the best. The sound is very clear and has no tinnyness, which my last pair had a bit of. i think that they are the best on the market - and I had tried several different brands before I bought my first Oticons. The only hitch now concerns Oticon's new phone app, which permits you to receive phone calls directly into your hearing aids, and if you have the tv adapter, which I do, you can have the tv sounds streamed directly, also. The problem is that just around the time that I bought the new pair of hearing aids, Oticon came out with a completely new app for the phone (Iphone in my case) and the app is pretty bad. It was not a upgrade of the old software, it is a totally new app, I never, ever had any problems with Oticon's old phone app. With the new app, the hearing aids have to be re-paired to the phone every time you put the hearing aids in the morning. That's not so bad, but with this app the hearing aids are constantly unpairing for no apparent reason, and you must re-pair them several times a day.. And sometimes the app tells you that the hearing aids have become disconnected and should be re-paired, even when that is not the case. I often watch TV with the oticon adapter, and the hearing aids frequently become un-paired while I am watching a show or movie. And sometimes the app tells you they are unpaired, and they are not because the sound from the tv is coming through quite clearly to my hearing aids. And this is not a problem particular to my hearing aids, because I first tried the rechargeable Oticon Reals and traded them back for ones with batteries because I found that I preferred using batteries. But the same kind of problems happened with both pairs.
Tim from Glenside, PA (on Jan 08, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R (Chroma Beige)
Color: Chroma Beige

First Timer

Overall quality of my new Real 2 hearing aids is more than I expected. They are extremely comfortable to the point I don’t even know I have them on. I was hesitant to get these at first but from my first time I was at my appointment, I knew I would love them.
Diane from Morristown, NJ (on Jan 19, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Very good

Sound quality is very good although I wish I could obtain better clarity. Provider adjusted the aids and provided 2 programs to reduce background noise.
Martin from New Brunswick, NJ (on Jan 23, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

My hearing is enhanced

My Oticon Real 1 are great. So far I have used them every day since acquisition (about three weeks) and although my hearing loss is minimal, I have found that my hearing is enhanced with the use of the aids.
Jim from Morristown, NJ (on Jan 27, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R

Pleasantly surprised

I was pleasantly surprised by the sound quality of these compared to my previous aids, I wasn't expecting a big difference , but I am hearing subtle sounds that I haven't heard in years. Only had these a few weeks but so far I think these are a keeper
John from Chandler, AZ (on Feb 14, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R

The Right Choice

After what we have to go through to select the right Hearing Aid for each individual, I am very please with My Oticon Reals. They are easy to manipulate, have all the features that I want, and are easy to maintain. Best of all, I can now hear better.
Kent from Santa Fe, NM (on Feb 24, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Good sound--love that I can recharge them.

Sound quality is fine. Voices sound dimensional and clear. Even my wife, who speaks quietly, in a voice obviously higher in pitch than an-easier-to-hear male voice.
Kate from Lakeway, TX (on Mar 15, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 3 miniRITE R (Hear Pink)
Color: Hear Pink

Best price and service

After reading extensive reviews, Oticon Real seemed like the right ones for me and I couldn't be happier. Comfortable, natural sounding, rechargeable, and an easy to use app. They are hardly noticeable behind my ear and I love the pink color. I shopped price from several different places and I was able to save $1300 from Zip Hearing. They were awesome to deal with, prompt communication, easy to purchase, and were delivered to my audiologist in 2 or 3 days. Thank you for making the hearing aids I wanted affordable.
Bob from West Hartford, CT (on Mar 21, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R

Good quality and good sound at a reasonable price

They work well. The party/restaurant setting in particular makes a real difference. Only problem I've had is in listening to something through Bluetooth on my phone. The hearing aids often lose the connection - it could be the phone or it could be the hearing aids. I need to check in with my local provider about this.
Dave from Las Vegas, NV (on Mar 21, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R (Chestnut Brown)
Color: Chestnut Brown

fantastic at every step

The instruments came with all the accessories I need for the next few months including a soft travel case for the charger and hard case to store the instruments. Top of the line hearing aids at an outstanding value.
Kenny from Springfield, IL (on Apr 10, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE T

Oticon Real 2

Not completely satisfied with the sound quality. Maybe an adjustment will take care of it. They are comfortable and seem to be reliable. Will schedule an appointment for an adjustment soon.
Joel from Chattahoochee Hills, GA (on Jun 11, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 2 miniRITE R (Beige)
Color: Beige

Comfortable Customizable and Quality

First of all- ZipHearing customer service is INCREDIBLE. The Oticon Reals are not the newest model, but after trying it, I like it better than the Intent (which I think still needs some updates). Hearing in normal settings (1-on-1, conversations with small groups, teaching/sermons) is great and clear. Transitions between sound via iPhone and other devices is easy and seamless. I’ve had some trouble adjusting in large crowds, but working with my provider has been easy.
Stephen from Saint Louis, MO (on Oct 31, 2024)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

Oticon Real 2 are great hearing aids

The Oticon Real 2s are my fourth set of Oticon and are by far the best. I noticed that my hearing improved immediately with these new hearing aids particularly with word comprehension. I was frankly surprised how much better these hearing aids are over my Oticon Open S 2 hearing aids that I had been wearing. I thought those aids were very good until I started wearing the Real 2s which are a big improvement. I agonized over getting the Real 1 or 2. I'm glad that I ended up getting the Real 2. As a retired systems professional they more than meet my needs. I was also pleased that I could easily change the hearing aid settings with Oticon's iphone app. So far I'm very pleased with Oticon Real 2s and being able to purchase them through ZipHearing.
Timothy from Slc, UT (on Dec 18, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Chroma Beige

Helps me with the higher pitch sounds

Hello, my name is Tim, and I wear hearing aids. I would say about 5 to 6 years ago, I found myself asking my wife to repeat herself, more often than I thought was probably warranted. So, I figured, you know, I might have some kind of hearing loss and I didn't have a lot of money at the time. So I went to Costco, and they confirmed that I did have a mild hearing loss, and they fitted me with some hearing aids. I don't remember what they were, but they just sounded awful. everything was super loud and crisp, but not necessarily clear and certainly not pleasant and they were difficult to get in my ears. And I just couldn't get myself used to wearing them. And they did have a return policy, so that's what I did. I returned it that was about five years ago. Then we were in Hawaii at the time. We moved to Utah. And, I decided that it was a problem I still needed to address. So I went to a place called my hearing centers, and, they fitted me with signia. I will just show this. Well, anyway, it's a signia, hearing aids. They have very, the provider created this very large piece to fit into my ear canal and this is a typical over the ear kind of fitting from Signia and, it was during the time of Covid, so it was a little bit hard to get in there and get an appointment. But long story short, I kept finding the same problem that it was too tinny. And so he thought the solution to the problem of making a tinny was to make these things a little more, I don't know, fat. So they would fill my ear more. I guess that would give it more, bass quality. I am going to try to show these here so that's the Signia's. This is the case that they came in, and you see how large the, fittings are. So I had a hard time with them. I couldn't even get them in my ear. I actually tried over and over and over, and the guy would try to help me figure out how to get them in there, and I just said, forget it. And I put them back in their case, and I put them in my closet and never, wore them again. And that was a couple thousand dollars down the drain. I should say that along this route, I have also noticed that I have had a ringing in my ears, which is called tinnitus or tinnitus. And I really didn't talk to any doctor about that because I just thought that it was, one of those things that just you can't do much about and I think I mentioned it to a doctor, and they had said that there wasn't much you can do about it. Anyway, fast forward 2 or 3 years. I started to seeing things online about tinnitus and I found a whole long video about a tincture that you could buy. So I spent 300 bucks on that, trying to get rid of it because it said that not only is it annoying, but it also can lead to degeneration of the brain and possible Alzheimer's and, that sort of thing, so kind of alarmed me. The tincture didn't do anything. But along that same time, I got a book in the mail, about hearing loss. And it was from a place called Tim Pagano's Hearing Center in American Fork, Utah. And, it was very convincing. It said that it does indeed lead to dementia hearing loss is bad for your cognitive, abilities, and that degenerates over time. And so the guy seemed like he knew what he was talking about. And he supposedly one of the best in Utah. So I went down and visited him, and he did an exam, and he came up with, the oticon real mini right r hearing aid. And, I tried it on and it didn't seem anywhere near as annoying as the other ones that I tried at Costco and at my hearing centers and the Signia. So I thought, well, that's pretty good. The problem was that this guy charged a large amount of money. I think it was a total of $9,000 over the course of four years. He had a plan where you pay monthly rather than pay for your hearing aids up front, and I had paid 2000 for the previous hearing aids but they fit well, and I sort of trusted the guy, and I thought I would give it a try. So, I tried it for a week, and I didn't have anywhere near the annoyance that I have had in the past with hearing aids. I seem to be hearing better, but I went online and found Zip hearing, and they were charging half the price that this guy was charging. Now they don't have all the services that this doctor and American Fork provided. They just give you the hearing aids and they give you three visits with a hearing specialist. And then then you are on your own pretty much. But I figured for the $4,000 that I was saving, that might be worth it. So that's what I did. Went to a hearing specialist here in Salt Lake City. He fitted me. We adjusted it quite a bit and I am pretty happy with him. I can hear a lot better. I know I can hear higher pitched sounds much better and I am comfortable with it. I don't dread putting them on. And once they are on, I don't really think about them much. I will just take this off here. That's one right there. I will put them down here. They are pretty easy to take off. And this is what they look like. And this here is the charger. You just take this and you put it in here and put this one in here, and they, little lights indicators are yellow right now indicating that they are charging. And, that's that. And they're pretty easy to put back on. I find that it's easier to take my glasses off first. Take my glasses off, put this here pop that in there. Done. And pop this in here. And done. So pretty easy. that's the one annoyance about hearing aids in general, I guess, is that, there's microphones in these plastic pieces behind your ears. So they bang up against your glasses or your if you're a female, in particular your hair. And in the beginning, that's just amazingly annoying because you are getting a going on. But I guess what happens is your brain kind of tunes that out after a while. so what I like about them is they are comfortable. I hardly know they are there. there's definitely a pretty good range of fidelity, partly because my hearing loss isn't that extreme. So what happens is those little domes that are in there aren't very big, so they don't block out a lot of the natural sounds. So, the microphone allows sounds that you normally would hear. Well, anyway, like, I hear bass sounds pretty good. So they come in fine. Treble, middle, middle range sounds come in good. It just helps me with the higher pitch sounds. And those are the sounds that might sound a little artificial. They sound a little tinny. Now, when this guy fitted me in Salt Lake City, I had a lot of problem with the strange, I call it, being like, tunnel vision. It's really just like reverberation. It's almost like an echo. Except that it's not an echo. It's just a high pitched vibration. When you hear sound and that was particularly when I would be in a restaurant kind of situation, or I was standing at an outdoor gathering and just talking to the people who were directly in front of me, and I literally couldn't understand a word they were saying. Even though the volume was perfectly fine, it was my brain not being able to process the sounds that I was hearing. One of the things I did is this particular provider gave me a one size dome for one ear and another size dome for the other, and I just felt like the original doctor had given me two smaller domes. So after about a month, I switched one out and I haven't really noticed that really bad reverberation sound. So, I don't know if it's something that what I did, or if it's just that my brain got used to it after a while. So that's the one thing I don't like is that I it's still hard to hear in restaurants, but, you know, I assume they are working on that technology and that's about it. I would definitely recommend these. They are again, about twice or two and a half times as expensive as the other model that I tried. But I think that, there is a reason for that. It definitely sounds a lot better and according to this guy in American Fork, it's, going to keep my dementia at bay, possibly. So thanks for watching and I hope that your hearing situation. Oh, about the tinnitus. So this is supposed to help your tinnitus, This app actually has a tinnitus program. I never use it. It doesn't seem to make any difference. It's not really to get rid of tinnitus. It's really kind of to provide you with sort of a white noise to match the tinnitus, so that it doesn't bother you as much. I don't think they really have a cure for tinnitus yet, but, I think that having the hearing aids in general, helps you with that problem, and I am hoping that for myself. All right, that's it. Thanks very much.
Nick from Tenafly, NJ (on Apr 16, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Graphite Gray

In noisy environments I hear people perfectly

Summary: Nick reviews the Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R hearing aids, focusing on their performance and personal experience. Diagnosed with mild hearing loss, especially in noisy environments like his workplace in education, Nick finds the Oticon Real 1 aids to be a significant improvement. He praises their artificial intelligence, which filters noise and enhances speech clarity, making conversations in loud settings much clearer. He is particularly fond of the Oticon Companion App, which he finds user-friendly, providing easy adjustments and maintenance reminders. Despite the exceptional sound quality and easy setup, Nick notes some downsides, such as limited Bluetooth connectivity to one device at a time and a charger design that lacks a lid and has a non-detachable cable. However, he mentions an available premium SmartCharger that addresses some of these issues. Despite a few cons, Nick highly recommends the Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R for its sound quality and intelligent features, considering them top-notch in technology and craftsmanship.
Art from Henderson, NV (on Jul 05, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Silver

My hearing has improved considerably

Summary: Art, An 86-year-old, highly active individual shares his switch from Phonak to Oticon Real hearing aids based on his brother's recommendation. After 15 years with Phonak, he tried the Oticon Real 1 and noticed a significant improvement in sharpness and overall hearing. Despite the benefits, he encountered issues with pairing the hearing aids to his cell phone and iPad, affecting his use with YouTube videos and other media. However, he resolved a recent pairing issue by reinstalling the Oticon app and believes these problems are being addressed by Oticon and can be further assisted by his audiologist. Overall, he expresses satisfaction with his new Oticon Real rechargeable hearing aids and recommends them.
Arnold from Long Beach, CA (on Jul 18, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

I have been very happy with them

Summary: Arnold, a retired physician assistant and former assistant professor at the Keck School of Medicine, shares his journey to finding the right hearing aids. After experiencing unsatisfactory performance with other hearing aids in noisy environments and wind noise, he switched to the Oticon Real 1. Arnold is very satisfied with these, noting their effective noise reduction and Bluetooth connectivity, although he mentions the audio quality for music is not as good as he would prefer. Despite this, he uses them daily for music during his walks without any issues with battery life. He appreciates the discreetness and comfort of the hearing aids, adding that they are hardly noticeable, especially with his beard.
Stephen from El Cerrito, CA (on Aug 22, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

I have been quite pleased with it

Summary: Steve, a 73-year-old with moderate hearing loss, shares his positive experience with Oticon Real 1 hearing aids. He notes significant improvements in hearing his grandchildren, detecting subtle sounds like car turn signals, and engaging in social activities like biking and golfing. Initially, fitting the hearing aid took some effort, but now he finds it comfortable and barely noticeable, although he mentions a minor issue with wearing glasses. Steve conducted extensive research and consulted three different audiologists before choosing these hearing aids, particularly valuing their noise-canceling feature for various environments. He emphasizes the importance of thorough research and professional advice in selecting the right hearing aids.
Cindy from Rancho Park, CA (on Sep 14, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Terracotta

You cannot even see it

Hello, my name is Cindy. I was working for the fire department and in a desk job for 26 years, and the sirens took their toll on my hearing. So, I went for a hearing test, and it came out pretty bad. So, I was prescribed hearing aids. I was referred to Zip Hearing, they are so helpful, and they immediately connected me with a hearing aid provider. And the hearing aids I have are Oticon and they are tiny. I have one in here. You cannot even see it. They are easy to use and more importantly, they have opened a whole new world of hearing for me that I would not have. It is like, wow, I can hear again. So, I would highly recommend zip hearing and the Oticon Real hearing aids are great, but whatever type you choose hearing again is, there are no words.
Mike from Pooler, GA (on Oct 07, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Silver Grey

This is the second pair of Oticon hearing aids that I have owned

Hi, my name is Mike and I live in the Savannah, Georgia area. I have had hearing problems for over 25 years and have been wearing hearing aids for over 15 years. I am currently on my fourth set of hearing aids. Hearing aids can be very expensive and should be fitted by an audiologist, especially if you have moderate to severe hearing loss. My latest pair of hearing aids are oticon real 1 hearing aids. This is the second pair of oticons that I have owned. The technology improvements between my old pair of oticon opn hearing aids and my real one hearing aids is remarkable. They have made a lot of improvements. One of them is that they found out how to cut down on the wind noise. There is little or no feedback. That is a whistling that will happen when you put your hand next to your ear or people can start hearing. They found a way to cut that out. The high frequency response on these real one hearing aids is much, much better than I have ever heard before or I have not heard in a long time. I can hear much better in crowded situations such as restaurants and focus better on conversations and participate more in the conversations. They are water resistant so that when I play golf in the hot savannah summer, they do not crackle and short out and just stop working on me from you know sweat pouring down on my head because it is so hot out here. Sounds a much more normal sounding. I still have some problems with very soft voices, but it's still better than it was before. For my type of hearing loss, which is a lot of high frequency loss, I found that the oticon real one hearing aids work best. And for more true sounding sounds and high frequency response, I even recommended them to a friend who is very satisfied with them. If you think that you are missing a lot in conversation and having a hard time like hearing TV or riding in the car and listening to radio or be able to talk someone in the car, you've probably got a hearing loss that that you would probably need to get something to help yourself out with it. So, get tested, get fitted by a professional and hear what you are missing. Thanks.
Jerry from Ojai, CA (on Sep 20, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R

A big step up

Hi, my name is Jerry. I am 76 and spent my life as a writer working a lot with the National Geographic Society and I also grew up in the sixties, high school, and college. When you would lie down and put your head between the stereo speakers and blast the Beatles as a result, no doubt I have severe hearing loss in the upper register and so my hearing curve goes like this and then plunges when you get to the high notes. So that meant I looked into hearing aids about eight years ago and I got Oticon they were called OPN ones, which I think was the state of the art then. Very good and I have had good luck with those. But you know, I am a couple of generations behind those now and so I just got Oticon real ones. I think they are called Oticon Real Mini writes and those I think are a big step up in what most of us probably are concerned about and that is not listening to Mozart in a quiet room, but going into a restaurant with friends where there are a bunch of people around at other tables and clattering dishes and music playing and you are struggling to hear the other people's conversation. I would say the Oticon real ones, which is the premium line and the top of the models is a big improvement for me and I have to say that the Zip hearing discount made them much more affordable. What else do you need to know? I can show you there. Back here I have hair, which is nice. I have friends who wear hearing aids, and who do not have any hair and you cannot really see this. Well, all that shows is that little, tiny hair like thing, which I think you can see there that little thread that carries the sound from the Receiver to the speaker and this part goes behind your ear. It is probably, you know, and the rest of it goes in your ear. Pretty easy to put on. There is also an app on your phone which you can look into and with it I got this charger. This is much better than my old system of using those little, tiny batteries. This charge is overnight. You just pop pop them in there and it plugs in and also, you see those lights. That means that the battery in here is charged up and that means I can take this in the car or on an overnight trip without taking the cord that go in there at night and they are charged up. So, it is kind of a smart charger, I think they call it. What I like most about the hearing aids that I have, the Oticons is first trying to decipher people's voices in a crowd and also the fact that there useful settings, there's a general setting which is your audiologist or tech will take your hearing loss curve and adjust your hearing aids to that curve. But there are also other ones. There is the noise in a hearing in a noisy environment. I think it's what it's called, and you click that on when you're in a noisy place, you know, wind blowing in a car and you're trying to talk or at a restaurant, there is a kind of a quiet mode where it's called comfort, where it kind of damps down the sound. You can still hear fine, but there's not so much racket in your environment and there are other ones for music and so on and I believe, though I have not done it, you can use your telephone, turn on the app and shove it over into the area where you want to hear a conversation. Maybe it is a lecture, you put it in front of the teacher or whatever, and it acts as a kind of a microphone and sends the sound directly to your ear. I would recommend Oticon. They are pretty much the state of the art among hearing aids these days. But there are other good brands. I have friends with Phonak and other ones. Let me think what else? The number one piece of advice you would give to someone who is considering hearing aids, and that would be Go get them. I had a friend my age, my best friend, and he was always going, huh, what? And driving his wife nuts and finally, because he found out I had hearing aids, he did not think it was such an old fogey thing to do and he got hearing aids and he was so glad he did, as was I. So that is my review. If you have any further questions, I am sure your audiologist or the Oticon website can answer them for you. Thanks very much.
Pamela from Rancho Park, CA (on Nov 21, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE T
Color: Steel Grey

The app needs a little bit of work

Hello, my name is Pam K. I want to share my experience working with Zip Hearing and Jeff Hall. I recently purchased my second pair of Oticons after purchasing my first pair four and a half years ago. I only purchased the second pair because I did lose one of my hearing aids a few months ago and I thought, well, it's a good time for an upgrade. Um, and I have to say, working with Jeff and Zip, everything happens quickly, efficiently. The price is great. The first time I bought hearing aids, it was my sister who actually did the research and found zip hearing, and I was thrilled and really took advantage of everything they have to offer. They refer to great audiologist. I started out in New York City and I loved the audiologist there, and I'm very happy with the one now that I live in California. I will say that having lost my hearing, starting at about or noticeably noticing that I started to lose it about five years ago, probably it didn't take me long to realize I needed some help, and it makes a world of difference. I mean, without it, I have missed some great pearls of wisdom, some great banter with family and friends, and even a lot of arguments. Maybe some I would have liked to have missed. But all in all, better to be in than out and you know, again, hearing aids are unique and they are not a perfect science. Yet I find there are things about them like background noise that you always hear about, which is still an issue. I still struggle with that, but I would rather again, as I said, be in rather than out of the ability to hear what's going on around me and so I am willing to compromise on that. The app that goes with Oticon, the app is companion. The new one, unfortunately does need a little bit of work, and I hope that they upgrade that soon. But nothing about working with Jeff and Zip hearing needs any work. Again, they're great. I mean, I can show you, I can take my hearing aid out of my ear, and I can show you how tiny it is. I can open it up. It has batteries. I chose the one with the batteries for some specific reasons, too, that are specific to my life. Most people will want to get the rechargeable ones. This worked for me and so easy to put them back in and just connect back up and everything works through Bluetooth. All my phone calls go right into my hearing aids, which is a great advantage. All my music on my iPhone and pretty much, you know, anything. I am listening to any videos, so I think it's a great advantage. That's one of the best perks of wearing hearing aids. So, I want to thank you for the opportunity and thank you again, Jeff and Zip Hearing. Bye.
Paul from Branford, CT (on Oct 18, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Silver Grey

My relationships are improving

My name is Paul. I am a musician, singer, songwriter, producer. I deal with music a lot. And it has become increasingly difficult for me to do the things that I love because of my hearing loss. So I went to an audiologist, and they said that I could benefit greatly from the use of hearing aids. I went online and did my research, and I ultimately ended up with these, the Oticon reals. They are super small and super high tech. They fit right behind my ear. These are the over ear models. There are inner ear ones, but those always, like, make me feel plugged up. These ones do not. They are pretty easy to put on. And then there is, like, a little kickstand part. There is a little bit of a. You saw it, right? It just clicks in your ear. Keep it in place. I like it a lot, and I can practically just forget about them. They are so light behind my ear and with my hair, and you cannot even see them. I mean, you cannot see that little. You do not even know I was wearing them. You cannot even, you know, until I told you. I mean, you had an idea because, you know, you are looking for hearing aids, but. See. Boop! Gone. They do not exist in my ear. Really? No one notices. I have been waiting for two months. Three people noticed them. And it is because one was my dentist, the other was my wife and my mom. That is, it. Everyone else I have actively showed them because I am super excited about them, because the quality of life they give me surpasses the cost of them, which is expensive. I am on a payment plan, but it is so worth it. It is so worth it. Like I was outside in my backyard listening to the birds and the cicadas. I turned off my hearing aids. They disappear like, not soft air. They do not exist in my life without my hearing aids. And just. That little bit is enough for me. That little bit of peace is beautiful. Right. And then comes everything else. My ability to listen to music a lot more critically, be able to discern between tones a lot easier, between noise and speech in music and in everyday life. You over here. It is indispensable. I will never go back. My relationships are improving because I can listen better. You know, I am not constantly asking everyone to repeat themselves. Which leads me to be less embarrassed. Leads me to isolate less, to engage more in conversation, and to have more meaningful conversations. The list goes on and on and on and on. If you are on the fence about it, just. Just get off the fence and give it a go. I swear you are going to put them on, and you will never want to take them off. I was missing so much, and now I am not. You know music sparkles again. The symbols, like everything, and the tech and these things are insane like there is an augmented reality aspect of these things. I take my phone calls to them. I stream all my music and videos and entertainment on my phone through my hearing aids. It is incredible. I have a hands free headset on all the time and. They are imperceptible, right? You cannot even tell they are there. I have to tell people that I am, like, getting a call, like, excuse me, hold on. I am getting a call from the ether. They are like, what? But, yeah, they are amazing. It comes with an app. I would show you that, but I am recording on my phone. So, you download your app, and you can adjust the levels you can adjust there is a small equalizer in there. There is a button that helps boost speech recognition. You can switch between programs. What I mean by that is that there's different sets of settings that you can have that your audiologist can help program into your hearing aids so that if you are in a loud restaurant or a music venue, you can have one that handles speech and noise. I have one for music listening, which lets me be more critical. It is a lot more transparent than the normal. General purpose one that is mostly looking for speech. You know, they are just incredible. If you are hesitant about it, please do not. They have changed my life, and I took way too long to get them. I wish I got these five years ago ten years ago. You know, I cannot imagine where I would be right now if I did, you know but, yes. So, that is it. I am going to go now. Taking too much of your time already. But do give it a shot please. It changed my life and it will change yours, and if you go through the website, I did ziphearing.com. Say Hi to Jeff for me. He is a really great guy and explained all this to me better than I can. So do that. Cool. Enjoy yourself.
Mihai from San Francisco, CA (on Nov 09, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Chestnut Brown

I hear a lot better

Hi, my name is Mihai. I am doing a review today of these guys. The Oticon real 1. Um, so my, um, my issue is I have genetic hearing loss in my family. Get it from my dad's side and basically, it means that I have in the middle frequencies. I have a lot of loss and it is getting it has gotten worse since I have been in my early 20s. I am in my mid 30s now, and so I was just going to keep advancing And I did finally, you know, make the decision to get a hearing aid. I ended up going with Oticon because I think their trusted name, you know, people know the company. They have been doing it for a long time. So, they are going to have a lot of the, um, the core signs down. I picked the real ones because they do have AI built in so they can help rather than just kind of amplifying everything. They amplify more of the sounds that you are interested in, like speech and the things that are in front of you and less noise. I did before these Oticon real ones. I did use hearing aids from a company called whisper. They are a newer company, and they are really all into the AI approach as well. But they take a different approach where they have a separate, they call it the brain. It is about the size of maybe half the size of your phone, and it sends the audio signal from the hearing aids to this brain, does this processing, and then sends it back. And comparing the Oticons to the whispers, I think, you know, the whisper company had a lot of things that were just around the hearing aid that were really nice, like the feeding process and all that stuff. But the actual hearing aid itself was worse and that is where I think Oticon, being a trusted name that has been around, really shines. Their eye filtering was better, but just overall, they are just better as a hearing aid. They had all these extra features that I will talk about. So yeah, that is why I chose them in order to get fitted. I ended up going to my first my doctor and they were really kind of strange about it. They said they could not tell me the price and I told them, well, let us ignore insurance and just tell me what you charge me direct and they said, well, we have these distributors. We do not know, we do not know. And eventually they said it would cost like $7,000. Then I, you know, of course, immediately jumped on the internet, looked it up, found ziphearing, and they said it was going to be 4800 and they would hook me up with a local provider who would do the actual fitting And through them I'd also get a warranty and some additional things. And it was really funny. The provider they ended up hooking me up with was actually the provider I was already using, so literally nothing changed except going through ziphearing and they knocked like, you know, $2,200 off the price. So that is awesome. So, I really like that. Now, what I like about the hearing aid itself, I hear a lot better, no question about it. It is just in quiet situations, you know, it gives me the amplification I need. But then when I go out and do things like I do, I do improv. I go out with friends to dinner and all these things, and it is more social situations where you have a lot of noise. Maybe you are not looking at exactly who is speaking. They balance that, bring the amplification, but also not amplifying noise like you get in a restaurant or a bar or something. And that has been really, really great compared to the whisper hearing aids and just hearing aids that do not have that feature. Then I also really liked the phone integration. You know, you get Bluetooth, which is great, so you can listen to music and do phone calls. But you know, right here I can just push this button on my home screen basically and change all my presets. So that is really easy, really nice. Like I said, it is good noise. Some things I don't like the charger. It is a corded charger. So, you it has to be plugged in. Which you know, I like the kind of the wireless headphone approach where, you know, you put the hearing aids in a case, that case has a battery and you can charge it on the go, but then also at home at night, you just plug that case into the wall and it charges both the case and the hearing aids. They do have one of those. It is called the smart charger, but it is like $225. So, it is quite expensive. So, it is just something to be mindful. Maybe if I could go back, I would choose to get the replaceable batteries. They are quite easy to replace. The battery life is 30 hours versus 18 And you know it is not $225. Other things that I think are a little weird is the Oticon app isn't very good. But like I said, you do not really need it very much and yeah, I would, I would say that the, the thing is that the range when connecting and streaming from your phone is not great. It is like 3 feet before it starts cutting out. That is not ideal. And it does use the microphone in your phone when you are making phone calls, not the microphone in the hearing aid, which again, you have to be pretty close to your phone when talking. And yes, that is about it that I do not like. Overall, though, I do think the pros way outweigh the cons. I am very happy with it, and I'm probably going to stick with Oticon and I'm certainly going to stick with hearing aids. So, thanks.
Michael from Otterbien Hm, OH (on Nov 15, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Chroma Beige

I'm still trying different settings

Hi, I'm Michael. I live in Southwestern Ohio. I've been wearing hearing aids for at least 15 years. During those 15 years, I've tried a number of different manufacturers' hearing aids. Some good, some not so good, but they've always been lacking. But recently, I ran across, I think it was on YouTube, that I saw where there's this new technology, and one of the manufacturers using this new technology was Oticon. I checked them out, and I like what they sound like. I also ran across a place, a website, and it's called ZIP Hearing, Z-I-P. They said they would refer me to a local audiologist and they could save me some money. I was pretty skeptical about that. I tried them and they did just exactly what they said they would. I recommend checking them out too. Anyways, the Oticon has come out with a... It's a hearing aid. It's called Real. It's called R-E-A-L. By the way, this is custom mold, which I'll talk about in a minute. I've been wearing these for about four months now, and the clarity has been a big improvement. Hearing people's voices, hearing sounds. Just noticed the other day, well, it's been longer than the other day, but there was my coffee pot. When it goes off, it's got this signal, high pitch signal. I've never heard that until I got these hearing aids, and I can hear it now. It's pretty amazing. Noise environments like restaurants, sometimes can still be a challenge. I do believe I can hear better in those situations, but I'm still trying different settings and different ways of hearing in those types of environments. But like I said, it is an improvement. Also, the custom hearing mold that I just showed you, depending on your type of hearing loss, that can be a real game changer. In my case, it was a big improvement, and they're not expensive. I think I paid $100 for a pair of them, and they have really, really helped, and I'm glad I got those. Also, I went with... There's a number of accessories that you can get. But the one I got was a rechargeable hearing aids. You can get them. Oticon offers the old battery where you can change out the battery every few days, or you can use the rechargeables. I didn't know if I'd like it or not, but it's turned out to be great. I can wear them 15 to 18 hours a day, and I've still got plenty of charge left. Anyways, it's worked out well for me. Adjusting. Now, some people do not need to adjust their hearing aids at all. They put them in and basically just wear them like that and let it make its own adjustments and everything. My type of hearing loss, I have found it necessary to be able to make adjustments occasionally. And for that, I use the Oticon app that you can download. This is what it looks like. And again, you can make different adjustments. It's depending on the type of hearing environment. You can adjust the volume, and you can do some other things, too. I've got an equalizer, graphic equalizer. Then it tells you how much of a charge you have left. You can see there, I've put them on this morning and it's down to 82% now, but it does a really good job. I like the app when it's working good. I have had some problems with it staying connected. According to the experts, that is basically the fault of iPhone, because when they do their updates, sometimes it just doesn't do well with the app. But I found that if you just restart the phone, that it makes everything just fine.And at least for a while. So that may not. And hopefully, they say they're working on things to make it so it's a much better path. So anyways, I'm really pleased with my Oticons, and I recommend them.
Susan from York, PA (on Nov 20, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Silver

Very easy to get used to

Hi, this is Sue. I'm here tonight to tell you about my Oticon mini rite hearing aids. I was very hesitant to buy any hearing aid because there's so many things on the market. But last year I ran across zip hearing and I talked to them on the phone about it, and I was out of state and when I got back in state, I went back to the hearing aid specialist that had used for my husband, who had them for years. When I asked her about the price and whether they got any discount because I belonged to, I worked in that health facility, they said there was none. So right away I called Jeff back and said, okay, these look like what I want, but you know, how much are they? Well, I can tell you it was much more reasonable. Now they are very easy to get used to. They are small. They are nothing like I thought they would be, because my second husband wore hearing aids and they were these big, clumsy things. These are just a little bit off on the end, and they have a little thing that goes behind your ear, and they are very easy to put in and out. All you do is put the thing behind your ear like I am doing, and you take the little plastic thing with the end on it and stick it in your ear. Now they actually sing to you when you put them in your ear So you know that they are working okay and everything. Now I also have a program on my phone where I can mute them, make them louder and softer. There also are controls on the hearing aid where you can do this. The other thing I really, really like about it is the charger I am going to show you is the charger. You take them off and put this in the charger every night, and you just put them back in in the morning. No little batteries to fool around with, no worrying about the batteries going dead at the wrong time. They are nothing like the old fashioned kind. Now, I never thought I needed them for a long time, and one provider told me I didn't need them, but he was dead wrong. when I realized that my husband had the volume on the TV at 50, and when I got the hearing aids, it was back to 20. I knew that I had needed them for a while. The other thing I noticed right away was I could hear things I never heard that were important. One of them is funny as it may sound, was my dog barking to go out to the bathroom. I didn't hear him when I was in another part of the house. I didn't hear the buzzer on the oven when my food was done. If someone was in the house and needed me and called me, I couldn't hear them. So, the other thing was tires on the road. I can hear them better now, so make sure I don't walk in front of a car. But when all those things, until you actually experience it you might think that it's not You don't really need them. Well, I can tell you that the look on my husband's face when I came home with those hearing aids was worth everything. Now I can hear him clearly, I can hear conversations clearly, and I don't miss anything. So consequently, I am not frustrated all the time because I miss something and hear things clearly, very clearly. So there really isn't anything I don't like about them. And since my second husband wear hearing aids for over 25 years, I can tell you that they have come a long way with the technology. Those little pieces that fit in your ear are like a little plastic dome, and they come in different sizes. You don't feel like your ears are plugged or anything. So that's my experience with Oticon Real hearing aids, and I hope you get a chance to try them. Don't hesitate and remember that if you don't know what you are missing until you try it.
Matthew from Woodbury, IN (on Dec 06, 2023)
Model: Oticon Real 1 miniRITE R
Color: Steel Grey

This is the greatest thing ever

Hey there. Hey, my name is Matt, and I wanted to give a little bit of info about my recent experience in buying hearing aids from Zip hearing. So, I have had hearing aids for the last nine years. I bought them when I was 45 and when I was a teenager, and in college I had a factory job that gave me some pretty good hearing loss and by the time I was in my mid 40s, I was starting to recognize that I was laughing at jokes, not really knowing what I was laughing at, which is dangerous And I was saying what a lot to my wife And she just realized that I was in conversations where I was straining to hear and where I was just kind of responding to questions and other things, obviously not having had the full context, because I couldn't hear it. And so, I got hearing aids, I got the Oticon, I think Nera brand in 2015 and those last at eight years and so this past winter, I knew I needed a new hearing aids and started looking around. I talked to hearing aid places and audiologists and found that I was a few versions behind with how old mine were and the Oticon brand. I really liked the real. The model name is Aria and I really liked that. And so, as I started looking at how much these cost, I was shocked. I knew hearing aids were expensive. I think I paid about 4500 for my first pair. I was hoping I could get in around there and was disappointed when I was looking at over six and even $7,000 for those for those Oticon reals. But they were great. They were what I needed. And so, I kept looking around on the internet and just seeing who else was carrying these And I came across Zip hearing and ad online that just said there were a couple thousand dollars cheaper. And I gave them a call. And I remember talking to a guy named Jeff, and I just said, Jeff, I don't believe you. I appreciate you putting that ad out there, but I don't believe that these are actually that cheap. And he said, well, Matt, give us a try. And so, he connected me with a local audiologist hearing center here where I live. And I showed up and I said the same thing to the audiologist. I said, I don't believe this, that I can actually get these for this price. And she said, well, it's actually true. You really can And so I went ahead and went through the process thinking at some point the other shoe was going to drop and I would find out that these are not these are not actually available. And but lo and behold, they actually were. And so, I have the Oticon real. I am going to turn my screen here a little bit so you can see kind of how big this thing is. And this is the best way I can do it. But that's the hearing aid there. My old hearing aids are that you can kind of see that they are a little bit bigger than the old ones. These had a battery in them and these do not. So these this is the greatest thing ever. These just fit in that charger and that will last me easily all day. There is an up and down volume on the back, and you can press and hold for different features and programs and things. But I really appreciated the straightforward nature of Zipp hearing what they said they delivered, And I love these. They have an app as well on my phone, which really it helps me select. I can customize the hearing aids to work for me in different situations. And I really that's I didn't have that on the old one at all. I just had a little. Yeah, I just had a little remote. And also, I really appreciate that. Oh, zip hearing like they you go home with new globes or just the fittings on the end. You go home with new wax guards. And so, it's great like you really you honestly get the good deal. And a product that is a brand name that really does work. And so, I am hoping I can get another eight years out of these. That would be fantastic. But yeah, I don't know if there's Anything else I want to provide other than I would definitely consider Zip hearing if you're looking at getting new hearing aids. And so, it's worth, it's worth at least asking about their pricing and who they work with locally in your area. So anyways, I don't do these testimonials really at all, but I wanted to do this because if you can't hear you are missing so much and if you can hear, you really feel like you are a part of things. So, give zip hearing your attention and see what they can offer you, and just see who you can talk to locally about it. So anyways, that's me and that's my zip hearing story there. So, I hope this helped.
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Common questions about Oticon Real hearing aids

Bluetooth / Connectivity Rechargeability Disposable Batteries Controls/Apps Miscellaneous

Choose questions category:

Can this hearing aid be paired directly to my Bluetooth TV?
No. To stream audio from the TV you'll need the TV Adapter 3.0
Does this hearing aid allow for hands-free phone calls?
Hands-free communication is available with iPhone 11 or later, with software updates iOS 15.2 and later. If you have any other phone, you can only get hands-free functionality via the ConnectClip accessory. With that accessory, you'll hear the caller's voice streamed through your hearing aids, but in order for them to hear you, you'd have to either hold the phone to your mouth, or if you want hands-free calling, clip the ConnectClip to your shirt and talk into that. The ConnectClip has a microphone on it that will pick up your voice for the caller, allowing you to keep the phone in your pocket/purse, etc.
Is this hearing aid Bluetooth compatible?

Real is Made for iPhone, which means it can connect directly with iPhones to stream music, phone calls, and more. Real is also compatible with the new Android protocol, Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA), allowing high-quality, one-way direct streaming from Android devices with Android 10 or later and Bluetooth 5.0. If your phone isn't directly compatible with Real, you can still get Bluetooth functionality via the ConnectClip accessory.

What is the lifespan of the rechargeable batteries?
The lithium-ion battery will last 2.5-3 years. When it needs to be replaced, take it to your hearing provider and they can replace the battery in their office.
How will I know when my battery needs to be charged?
A few hours before the battery dies, you'll hear three steady beeps. This will usually happen a few times. Then, right before the battery dies, you'll hear four descending tones.
How long does it take to get a full charge?
A full charge takes 3 hrs and will get you between 16-24 hrs of power. A 30 minute quick charge will get you 6 hours of power.
What if I'm on-the-go and my battery dies?
With proper planning and charging, this should rarely if ever happen. If you're concerned about this, you may want to buy the SmartCharger accessory, which is designed for travel, and features a built-in power bank that stores a minimum of 3 full charges.
Does the charger include a dehumidifier?
The standard charger included with your order does not. If you live in a humid environment or are concerned about moisture exposure, Oticon recommends buying the Oticon SmartCharger accessory, Flow Med Dry-Cap or PerfectDry Lux dehumidifers.
How many hours a day do the batteries last?
If you don't do any streaming, the battery on the Real rechargeable models should last 20-22 hours. If you stream a few hours a day, battery life will be around 16-18 hours.
How will I know when it's time to change the battery?
A few hours before the battery dies, you'll hear three steady beeps. This will usually happen a few times. Then, right before the battery dies, you'll hear four descending tones.
Are the batteries hard to change?

For most people, no. But if you have poor dexterity, we'd recommend considering the Real miniRITE R or Real miniBTE R rechargeable model, so you don't have to change batteries.

How long do the batteries last?

Battery life will vary depending on several factors. In general, the miniRITE T 312 battery model will last 3.5-5.5 days. If you use the miniBTE T 13 battery model, expect a few more days.

How do I turn this hearing aid on and off?
To turn the hearing aid off, simply place it in the charger. Or, press and hold the rockerswitch's bottom button for three seconds.
How can I control this hearing aid, and which settings can I control?
You can control the volume and program of this hearing aid using the onboard rockerswitch or the Remote Control 3.0. For further control over the hearing aids, we recommend using the Companion app, which gives you much for functionality than the rockerswitch or Remote Control 3.0. You can read about the Oticon Companion app's functionality further down this page in the 'Compatible apps & accessories' section.
Does the app have a “Find My Hearing Aid” feature?
Yes. However, in order to use this feature, you would've had to have setup the Companion app and paired your hearing aids to your phone, prior to losing them. Once the hearing aids have been paired, if you lose them, the app will help you locate them, so long as the hearing aids are powered on. If the hearing aids are powered off, or if their batteries have died, the app will show you the last location of the hearing aids when they were powered on.
Is this hearing aid CROS compatible?
Yes, all Real hearing aids are compatble with the CROS devices listed above.
In which models is the new Olive Green color available?

At this time, Olive Green is only available in the miniRITE R model.

Can I get this hearing aid with a telecoil?
Yes, All Real models include a telecoil.
What's the difference between Oticon More vs. Oticon Real?

First, both models look identical, and have the core features you'd expect from a modern hearing aid—Bluetooth compatibility, rechargeability, and a sleek and discreet design. It's what's inside the hearing aid that sets these two models apart. Oticon Real is a more refined version of the previous generation Oticon More. Oticon Real is built on Oticon's newest and most powerful platform ever, Polaris R. Oticon Real includes detectors for fast and precise processing of disruptive sounds, including a new wind noise stabilizer, along with a stabilizer to reduce handling noise (noise that comes from touching/adjusting the hearing aids, or hair touching the hearing aid microphones). Real is also compatible with Oticon's new Companion App, which provides users further functionality and control over Real hearing aids.

Compatible apps & accessories

Apps (by popularity)

The image of Companion App hearing aids
Companion App

Companion App

Use the companion app to control settings like volume, program, background noise reduction and tinnitus relief sounds. Locate your hearing aids if you've lost them. Track valuable information on your hearing aid use, like wear time, and battery life. Get remote support from your hearing care professional when you need it, and much more.

*Double tap on the app to open it in the store

Accessories (by popularity)

*Included with rechargeable orders
The image of Charger hearing aids
Charger, $199

Charger, $199

*Included with rechargeable orders

This is Oticon's standard charger and is the one that comes with all rechargeable hearing aids. Fully charges your hearing aids in 3 hrs, providing 24 hours of power. A quick charge of 30 minutes will provide 5 hours of power.
The image of SmartCharger hearing aids
SmartCharger, $249

SmartCharger, $249

This is an optional portable charger that is available for purchase. It's designed for travel, with a protective lid and built-in power bank that stores a minimum of 3 full charges. A 3 hour charge provides a full day of power, and a 30-minute quick charge provides an additional six hours of power. It also features a bult-in drying function that automatically removes moisture from hearing aids.
The image of TV Adapter 3.0 hearing aids
TV Adapter 3.0, $249

TV Adapter 3.0, $249

Plug it into the back of your TV or soundbar and the audio will be streamed directly to your hearing aids. Others can keep the TV at their preferred volume level, while you set your own volume via the app or on the hearing aids themselves.
The image of ConnectClip hearing aids
ConnectClip, $249

ConnectClip, $249

ConnectClip has two features. First, it's most commonly used as a Bluetooth streamer that allows you to stream audio from your phone to your hearing aids. If you have an iPhone, you don't need this, because iPhones stream directly to Oticon Real hearing aids. If you have an Android or any other phone and you want to stream from your phone, you need this. Even if you have an iPhone, it still may make sense to get this, because it does allow for hands free phone calls. Wear it around your neck and the microphone picks up your voice for the person on the other end of the call to hear, so you don't have to hold you the phone to your mouth when speaking. The second feature of ConnectClip is its ability to work as a remote microphone. If you have a hard time hearing in noise this accessory is a lifesaver. Attach the ConnectClip to a companion's shirt and their voice will stream directly to your hearing aids. Their voice will come through much stronger than all the competing noise in the environment.
The image of SmartCharger miniBTE R hearing aids
SmartCharger miniBTE R, $249

SmartCharger miniBTE R, $249

This is an optional portable charger that is available for purchase and compatible with the Real miniBTE R model. It's designed for travel, with a protective lid and built-in power bank that stores a minimum of 3 full charges. A 3.5 hour charge provides a full day of power, and a 30-minute quick charge provides an additional six hours of power. It also features a bult-in drying function that automatically removes moisture from hearing aids.
The image of Remote Control 3.0 hearing aids
Remote Control 3.0, $199

Remote Control 3.0, $199

You probably don't need this. Most people use the app to control their hearing aids, and if not the app, then the push button on the hearing aid itself. But if neither of those suit you, this remote is a simple way to control the volume and program.
Step 1 for better hearing
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1. Dome

The image of Dome hearing aids feature

The dome slips over and encloses/protects the receiver/speaker. Domes are made with medical-grade silicone. They come in different shapes and sizes—your hearing care professional will help you pick the right size and style. Selecting the appropriate dome will change the sound performance of your hearing aids, so if you’re not achieving satisfying results with your hearing aids, your hearing provider will often consider trying a different dome style. In some cases, such as for wearers with severe or profound hearing loss, an earmold will be used instead of a dome.

2. Indicator light

The image of Indicator light hearing aids feature

The LED indicator light shows the charging state of the battery. The light will turn orange when the hearing aid is charging, and green when fully charged. When removed from the charger or turned on, the light will turn green after approximately six seconds, confirming that it is ready for use.

3. Microphone

The image of Microphone hearing aids feature

The microphone picks up the sound from the environment and sends it into the hearing aid for processing. You’ll mostly want to leave the microphone alone, but periodically check it to ensure it’s not being plugged up by hair care products or oils.

4. Receiver

The image of Receiver hearing aids feature

The receiver AKA speaker delivers the sound into the ear. Oticon receivers are available in 3 different strengths, standard (60), moderate (85), power (100). Your ZipHearing provider will help you determine the appropriate gain (strength/power) receiver based on the results of your hearing test. Expect to have to replace your receivers every year or so, and this is something that usually takes just a few minutes with your local ZipHearing provider.

5. Receiver wire

The image of Receiver wire hearing aids feature

This thin, plastic-coated wire transmits power and signals to the receiver/speaker, which is worn inside the ear. Oticon receivers are available in 5 different lengths: 0,1,2,3 & 4. Your ZipHearing provider will help you determine the appropriate length of receiver wire, by measuring your ear. In cases when your ZipHearing provider is unsure of the exact receiver length that will work best for you, we’re happy to send out a few different receiver lengths for you to try.

6. Rechargeable or disposable batteries

The image of Rechargeable or disposable batteries hearing aids feature

The model shown is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, expected to last 16-24 hours/day. The battery takes about 3 hours to fully charge, and a 30 minute quick charge will get you about 6 hours of power. Most people do buy the rechargeable model, and simply put the aids in a charger next to their bed at night, allowing them to wake up with fully charged hearing aids. Other models shown on this page (below) can be powered by a disposable size 312 or size 13 battery. These batteries will last anywhere from 5-10 days, depending on how much Bluetooth streaming you do. Your purchase from ZipHearing includes a 1 year supply of disposable batteries.

7. Rocker switch

The image of Rocker switch hearing aids feature

The rocker switch can be programmed by your hearing provider to have different functions, depending on your needs. Some of these functions include volume and program control, on/off functionality, flight mode, and answering/ending phone calls. Some people use these buttons exclusively to control the hearing aids, and others use the app to control the hearing aids. Others (most people), use a combination of both the app and rocker switch to make adjustments to their hearing aids. You likely won’t have to use these buttons often, but some people find them handy to make quick adjustments to their hearing aids when they change listening environments (ie, entering a noisy restaurant, or a quiet room). Your hearing provider will go over the options available and make sure your hearing aids are set up to your ideal preferences.

8. Water resistant

The image of Water resistant hearing aids feature

Oticon Real has an IP68 rating, with all vital components nano-coated inside and out. As a result, Real is protected from dust getting inside and can withstand exposure to water, though caution around water is highly recommended. Prolonged exposure to water can cause irreparable damage to Oticon Real, in which a one-time replacement device would be issued during your 3 year warranty, subject to a $350 deductible payable to your local ZipHearing provider .

9. Wax filter

The image of Wax filter hearing aids feature

When it comes to maintaining your hearing aids, this is where you’ll spend most of your time. The wax filter (mostly) prevents wax and oils from getting into the receiver/speaker. Your hearing provider may supply you with Oticon ProWax filters enabling you to periodically change these on your own. Some people never have to change these wax filters, others have to change them weekly. Your purchase includes 1 pack of wax filters, and you can purchase additional wax filters directly from your ZipHearing provider, or through a number of sites online such as Amazon.

10. Dome

The image of Dome hearing aids feature

The dome slips over and encloses/protects the receiver/speaker. Domes are made with medical-grade silicone. They come in different shapes and sizes—your hearing care professional will help you pick the right size and style. Selecting the appropriate dome will change the sound performance of your hearing aids, so if you’re not achieving satisfying results with your hearing aids, your hearing provider will often consider trying a different dome style. In some cases, such as for wearers with severe or profound hearing loss, an earmold will be used instead of a dome.

11. Indicator light

The image of Indicator light hearing aids feature

The LED indicator light shows the charging state of the battery. The light will turn orange when the hearing aid is charging, and green when fully charged. When removed from the charger or turned on, the light will turn green after approximately six seconds, confirming that it is ready for use.

12. Microphone

The image of Microphone hearing aids feature

The microphone picks up the sound from the environment and sends it into the hearing aid for processing. You’ll mostly want to leave the microphone alone, but periodically check it to ensure it’s not being plugged up by hair care products or oils.

13. Receiver

The image of Receiver hearing aids feature

The receiver AKA speaker delivers the sound into the ear. Oticon receivers are available in 3 different strengths, standard (60), moderate (85), power (100). Your ZipHearing provider will help you determine the appropriate gain (strength/power) receiver based on the results of your hearing test. Expect to have to replace your receivers every year or so, and this is something that usually takes just a few minutes with your local ZipHearing provider.

14. Receiver wire

The image of Receiver wire hearing aids feature

This thin, plastic-coated wire transmits power and signals to the receiver/speaker, which is worn inside the ear. Oticon receivers are available in 5 different lengths: 0,1,2,3 & 4. Your ZipHearing provider will help you determine the appropriate length of receiver wire, by measuring your ear. In cases when your ZipHearing provider is unsure of the exact receiver length that will work best for you, we’re happy to send out a few different receiver lengths for you to try.

15. Rechargeable or disposable batteries

The image of Rechargeable or disposable batteries hearing aids feature

The model shown is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, expected to last 16-24 hours/day. The battery takes about 3 hours to fully charge, and a 30 minute quick charge will get you about 6 hours of power. Most people do buy the rechargeable model, and simply put the aids in a charger next to their bed at night, allowing them to wake up with fully charged hearing aids. Other models shown on this page (below) can be powered by a disposable size 312 or size 13 battery. These batteries will last anywhere from 5-10 days, depending on how much Bluetooth streaming you do. Your purchase from ZipHearing includes a 1 year supply of disposable batteries.

16. Rocker switch

The image of Rocker switch hearing aids feature

The rocker switch can be programmed by your hearing provider to have different functions, depending on your needs. Some of these functions include volume and program control, on/off functionality, flight mode, and answering/ending phone calls. Some people use these buttons exclusively to control the hearing aids, and others use the app to control the hearing aids. Others (most people), use a combination of both the app and rocker switch to make adjustments to their hearing aids. You likely won’t have to use these buttons often, but some people find them handy to make quick adjustments to their hearing aids when they change listening environments (ie, entering a noisy restaurant, or a quiet room). Your hearing provider will go over the options available and make sure your hearing aids are set up to your ideal preferences.

17. Water resistant

The image of Water resistant hearing aids feature

Oticon Real has an IP68 rating, with all vital components nano-coated inside and out. As a result, Real is protected from dust getting inside and can withstand exposure to water, though caution around water is highly recommended. Prolonged exposure to water can cause irreparable damage to Oticon Real, in which a one-time replacement device would be issued during your 3 year warranty, subject to a $350 deductible payable to your local ZipHearing provider .

18. Wax filter

The image of Wax filter hearing aids feature

When it comes to maintaining your hearing aids, this is where you’ll spend most of your time. The wax filter (mostly) prevents wax and oils from getting into the receiver/speaker. Your hearing provider may supply you with Oticon ProWax filters enabling you to periodically change these on your own. Some people never have to change these wax filters, others have to change them weekly. Your purchase includes 1 pack of wax filters, and you can purchase additional wax filters directly from your ZipHearing provider, or through a number of sites online such as Amazon.