Starkey Signature Series


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Signature Series 24
The image of color hearing aids
Black (45% popularity)
Can't decide? No problem! We're happy to ship a few different colors :)

How to buy Starkey Signature Series locally and save

1 Make sure there is a ZipHearing provider in your area Ziphearing man with laptop emoji

Click here to check your location, or simply call us at 877-813-4401.
We’ll answer your questions and let you know your local ZipHearing providers are.

2 Schedule your consultation Ziphearing calendar emoji

At your convenience, call your local ZipHearing provider and schedule your hearing aid consultation. You'll discuss hearing aid options, and if you want, place an order.

3 Hear better Ziphearing chart emoji

Just days after your consultation, pick up your custom-ordered hearing aids and get them programmed to your unique hearing profile. If you don't love them, return them for a 100% refund.

Included with your purchase

Local Care Included

Don’t settle for less- or “remote support.” To get the best performance out of your hearing aids you need local care. It’s why Starkey recommends it, right on their website. Your purchase includes 1 year of unlimited appointments with your local ZipHearing provider. After your first year of ownership, additional appointments with your local ZipHearing provider are (at the most) $65 each.

45 Day Risk-Free Trial

Wear your hearing aids for 45 days. If they don’t change your life, simply bring them back to your local ZipHearing provider and we’ll issue a 100% refund. No restocking fees. No fine print.

3 Year Warranty

Your purchase includes a manufacturer’s 3 year warranty covering repairs, and loss and damage. If a hearing aid is lost or damaged beyond repair during the warranty period, your ZipHearing provider can file what is called a “Loss and Damage Claim” for you, and a new device will be issued, subject to a deductible payable to your hearing provider of $350/aid.


An initial supply of cleaning and maintenance supplies like domes and wax filters are included with your order, and your hearing provider will show you how to use them. If your hearing aids take disposable batteries, we’ll include a year's supply. If your hearing aids are rechargeable, we’ll include a charger.

Financing Available

We offer 12 month interest-free financing through CareCredit. We also offer payment plans of up to 60 months, though interest does apply. Setting up your financing takes just minutes, and a ZipHearing team member will help you through the process.

How Signature Series fits

How hearing aids looks on the head
Black (45% popularity)
(tap once on the head to see hearing aids off the ear)
Shield icon - 45 Day Risk-Free Trial

45 Day Risk-Free Trial

Shield icon - 45 Day Risk-Free Trial

45 Day Risk-Free Trial

Wear your hearing aids for 45 days. If they don’t change your life, simply bring them back to your local ZipHearing provider and we’ll issue a 100% refund. No restocking fees. No fine print.

Financing icon - Financing Available

Financing Available

Financing icon - Financing Available

Financing Available

We offer 12 month interest-free financing through CareCredit. We also offer payment plans of up to 60 months, though interest does apply. Setting up your financing takes just minutes, and a ZipHearing team member will help you through the process.

Heart icon - local care

Local Care Included

Heart icon - local care

Local Care Included

Don’t settle for less- or “remote support.” To get the best performance out of your hearing aids you need local care. It’s why Starkey recommends it, right on their website. Your purchase includes 1 year of unlimited appointments with your local ZipHearing provider. After your first year of ownership, additional appointments with your local ZipHearing provider are (at the most) $65 each.

Warranty icon - warranty loading=

3 Year Warranty

Warranty icon - warranty

3 Year Warranty

Your purchase includes a manufacturer’s 3 year warranty covering repairs, and loss and damage. If a hearing aid is lost or damaged beyond repair during the warranty period, your ZipHearing provider can file what is called a “Loss and Damage Claim” for you, and a new device will be issued, subject to a deductible payable to your hearing provider of $350/aid.

Supplies icon - provide supplies for the hearing aids


Supplies icon - provide supplies for the hearing aids


An initial supply of cleaning and maintenance supplies like domes and wax filters are included with your order, and your hearing provider will show you how to use them. If your hearing aids take disposable batteries, we’ll include a year's supply. If your hearing aids are rechargeable, we’ll include a charger.

Written by: Jeff Hall, Hearing Aid Specialist
The image of Jeff Hall author

Jeff Hall

President at ZipHearing

Jeff is a California licensed hearing aid dispenser and the President of ZipHearing one of the largest hearing aid suppliers in the country. More about Jeff Hall
Medically reviewed by: Brad Ingrao, Doctor of Audiology
The image of Brad Ingrao author

Brad Ingrao

Editor & Doctor of Audiology

Brad Ingrao, Au.D. has been in clinical practice since 1992 in a variety of settings including academia, private practice, educational audiology, the VA, and the hearing aid industry. More about Brad Ingrao
Updated: Mar 21, 2024
Starkey Signature Series

Say hello to the next big thing in better hearing

Released by Starkey on March 19, 2024, Starkey Signature Series is Starkey’s newest and best line of custom in-the-ear hearing aids.

The Signature Series is most well-known for being the world’s first custom, rechargeable, completely-in-canal style (CIC) hearing aid.

At ZipHearing, Starkey has long been our favorite manufacturer for custom hearing aids, and we think Starkey Signature Series has the potential to be the best in-the-ear hearing aid of 2024.

Starkey Signature Series at a glance

Sales popularity of Signature Series vs.

over the last 60 days

Relative sales popularity of Starkey models over time, based on our internal sales data. Updated weekly. Click on a model name to remove/bring back it from the chart comparsion

Sales stats for Signature Series

Based on our internal sales data. Updated daily.

BOUGHT BY 4.4% of our customers who've bought Starkey in the last 90 days
RETURNED BY 45% of customers during their 45 day trial period for a 100% refund
ZipHearing Return Policy We think you'll love your new hearing aids. But if you don't, return them for a 100% refund within 45 days. No restocking fees, no fine print.

Your savings through ZipHearing

Based on retail pricing figures from

Average retail
37% less
than the national average price
ZipHearing Price

Starkey's product naming convention

Signature Series
Tech level

Signature Series tech levels our customers buy

Based on internal sales data. Updated daily.

Hearing Aids prices range 100%
Hearing Aids prices range 100%
Tech level % of sales
Signature Series 24 100%

Starkey Signature Series models

Sorted by popularity. Based on our internal sales data. Updated daily.

Starkey Signature Series comes in 3 different models, shown below. When purchasing through ZipHearing, the model you select doesn't affect the final price you pay — the technology level does; such as the Signature Series 24. The majority of ZipHearing customers buy the Starkey Signature Series CIC NW R model (shown in position 1 below), with the 24 technology level.

Stock image of Starkey Signature Series CIC NW R CIC NW R

In-the-canal style with a lithium-ion rechargeable battery. Non-wireless (no Bluetooth connectivity).

50% of our customers choose this model
40% of our customers returned this model for a full refund
Stock image of Starkey Signature Series IIC NW IIC NW

Invisible-in-canal style with a size 10 battery. Non-wireless (no Bluetooth connectivity).

45% of our customers choose this model
55.6% of our customers returned this model for a full refund
Stock image of Starkey Signature Series CIC NW CIC NW

Completely-canal with a size 10 battery. Non-wireless (no Bluetooth connectivity).

5% of our customers choose this model
0% of our customers returned this model for a full refund

Starkey Signature Series reviews


Customers say

The video and/or written reviews below are from real ZipHearing customers who bought and wear Starkey Signature Series hearing aids. Every ZipHearing customer is invited to create written and video reviews and is compensated up to $235 for doing so. We ask our customers to provide unbiased reviews highlighting both the pros and the cons of their hearing aids. We hope you find these firsthand experiences of Starkey Signature Series helpful!

Select to learn more

Appearance & comfort (1) Battery & charging (1) Sound quality (1)
1 customers mention "Appearance & comfort" 1 positive 0 negative

The hearing aids are noted for being very discreet, especially in the CIC (Completely-in-Canal) style.

...very discreet cic... Read more

1 customers mention "Battery & charging" 1 positive 0 negative

Users appreciate the rechargeable feature, which eliminates the hassle of replacing tiny batteries and ensures convenience with a full charge each morning.'s rechargeable. those tiny batteries are a real pain to remove and replace and usually go dead when i don’t have a spare battery. with these, i simply place them in the recharging case each night, and wake up with a full. it’s so very convenient... Read more

1 customers mention "Sound quality" 1 positive 0 negative

The sound quality is highly regarded, with Starkey being recognized as a leader in providing excellent sound while maintaining a discreet CIC design.

...both provide excellent quality, but starkey is still the leader at providing excellent sound and still being a cic... Read more

Showing 1 of 1 total reviews Clear all filters

Byron from Spring, TX (on Oct 17, 2024)
Model: Starkey Signature Series 24 CIC NW R

Very discreet CIC

I’ve own both Starkey and Phonak over the years. I’m lucky to be able to be able to afford the best of each line. Both provide excellent quality, but Starkey is still the leader at providing excellent sound and still being a CIC. In addition, it's rechargeable. Those tiny batteries are a real pain to remove and replace and usually go dead when I don’t have a spare battery. With these, I simply place them in the recharging case each night, and wake up with a full. It’s so very convenient. Highly recommend this hearing aid.
Show -999 More
Not what you're looking for? See more Starkey hearing aid reviews

Common questions about Starkey Signature Series hearing aids

Bluetooth / Connectivity Rechargeability Disposable Batteries Controls/Apps Miscellaneous

Choose questions category:

Does this hearing aid allow for hands-free phone calls?

It does not. If you want an in-the-ear hearing aid from Starkey that offers hands-free phone calls, there are a couple Starkey Genesis AI models that can do this.

Is this hearing aid Bluetooth compatible?

No, the Signature Series is not Bluetooth compatible. If you want an in-the-ear hearing aid from Starkey that has Bluetooth compatibility, there are a couple Starkey Genesis AI models that can do this.

Can this hearing aid be paired directly to my Bluetooth TV?

It cannot, and it does not work with any of Starkey's TV streamers. If you want an in-the-ear hearing aid from Starkey that can stream audio from the TV, there are a couple Starkey Genesis AI models that can do this.

How many hours a day do the batteries last?
Up to 38 hours.
What is the lifespan of the rechargeable batteries?
Your battery will last a minimum of 3 years. After that point, your Starkey provider will send your hearing aid to Starkey for a battery replacement. We expect most providers to charge between $150-$250 per device for this service.
How will I know when my battery needs to be charged?
It depends on how your hearing provider has set up the alerts. You will hear either a tone, or a spoken notification through the hearing aid that says "battery." Then, 10-15 minutes later, you'll hear a long tone, and the hearing aid will die shortly after that and will require charging before use.
What if I'm on-the-go and my battery dies?
The battery should last long enough that this isn't an issue. But if your battery does quit, you have a few options. First, if you have the Starlink Custom Charger 2.0 with you, it features an on-board turbo charging feature for three hours of use time in just 10 minutes of charging, but it must be plugged into an external power source (i.e, wall outlet) to charge the hearing aids. If you have the Starlink Premium Custom Charger 2.0, it'll offer the same turbo charging, with the added benefit that it doesn't need to be plugged into a wall outlet to charge your hearing aids, because it has its own on-board battery for on-the-go charging.
How long does it take to get a full charge?
The hearing aids will be fully charged in 3.5 hrs, providing up to 38 hours of power.
Does the charger include a dehumidifier?
None of the Signature Series chargers include a dehumidifer. If you're concerned about moisture impacting your hearing aids, you may want to purchase small dessicant that you can put inside your charger.
Are the batteries hard to change?
The size 10 batteries which power the small CIC and IIC models can be tricky for some people to handle, and they require pretty good dexterity, especially with the IIC model. If you're concerned about this we'd recommend getting the rechargeable CIC NW R model, so changing batteries isn't necessary.
How long do the batteries last?
The batteries on the IIC and CIC models will usually need to be changed about once every 3-5 days.
How will I know when it's time to change the battery?
It depends on how your hearing provider has set up the alerts. You will hear either a tone, or a spoken notification through the hearing aid that says "battery." Then, 10-15 minutes later, you'll hear a long tone, and the hearing aid will die shortly after that and will require charging before use.
How can I control this hearing aid, and which settings can I control?
The CIC and CIC R models come with a push button on the faceplate of the hearing aid, which can be used to control the volume, program, or both. The IIC model does not have room for a push button. All three models can also be controlled by the T2 Remote app (shown further down on this page), and the T2 Remote all will allow you to control the volume or program.
How do I turn this hearing aid on and off?
If you use a model that takes disposable batteries, simply open the battery door to turn the hearing aid off, and when you close it, the aid will turn on. If you use the rechargeable CIC model, the aid will automatically turn off when you put it back in it's charger, and will turn on when you take it out. To turn a rechargeable aid off manually, just press and hold the pushbutton for 3 seconds. Repeat to turn it back on.
Is this hearing aid CROS compatible?
No, Signature Series is not CROS compatible.
Can I get this hearing aid with a telecoil?
No, Signature Series is not available with a tcoil.
What is Edge Mode + and which models offer it?
Edge Mode + is a feature that when activated, uses AI to optimize sound quality on-demand for clearer speech or improved listening comfort. The CIC NW & CIC NW R models both offer Edge Mode +, so long as they’re ordered with a push button on the faceplate (which is standard). Edge Mode + is turned on and off via the push button.
Are any of these models waterproof?
Yes! The CIC NW R is waterproof up to 1 meter.

Compatible apps & accessories

Apps (by popularity)

The image of T2 Remote hearing aids
T2 Remote

T2 Remote

This app serves as a remote control for your hearing aids, allowing you to change the volume and program. Simply hold your phone near your ear while pressing a button in the app to make the change you desire. Your phone will then emit a sound, which the hearing aid interprets as instructions to make the change you requested.

*Double tap on the app to open it in the store

Accessories (by popularity)

*Included with rechargeable orders
The image of Starlink Custom Charger 2.0 hearing aids
Starlink Custom Charger 2.0, $99

Starlink Custom Charger 2.0, $99

*Included with rechargeable orders

This is the standard charger that comes with the CIC NW R (rechargeable) model. Fully charges hearing aids in 3.5 hours, providing up to 38 hours of power. This charger also has a turbo charging feature for three hours of use time in just 10 minutes of charging. The charger must be plugged into an external power source to charge the hearing aids.
The image of Starlink Premium Custom Charger 2.0 hearing aids
Starlink Premium Custom Charger 2.0, $149

Starlink Premium Custom Charger 2.0, $149

This is an optional premium charger for the CIC NW R (rechargeable) model. It does everything the Starlink Custom 2.0 charger does, with the added benefit of having its own on-board rechargeable lithium-ion battery, enabling you to charge your hearing aids on-the-go (without having to plug your charger in to a power source). The charger takes 3.5 hours to fully charge and will the provide up to 3 full charges for your Signature hearing aids before the charger will need to be re-charged. This charger also has a turbo charging feature for three hours of use time in just 10 minutes of charging.
Step 1 for better hearing
Want a price quote for Starkey Signature Series? *we’ll send the latest prices via chat


1. Microphone

The image of Microphone hearing aids feature

The microphone picks up the sound from the environment and sends it into the hearing aid for processing. You’ll mostly want to leave the microphone alone, but periodically check it to ensure it’s not being plugged up by hair care products or oils.

2. Pull string

The image of Pull string hearing aids feature

This handy string makes it easier to insert and remove the hearing aid. Don’t worry- in most cases this string tucks away neatly inside the ear canal, but if it doesn’t talk to your hearing care provider about shortening or removing the pull string.

3. Rechargeable battery

The image of Rechargeable battery hearing aids feature

The model shown at the top of this page is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, expected to last up to 38 hours on a full charge. The battery takes about 3.5 hours to fully charge, and a 10 minute quick charge will get you about 3 hours of power. Signature Series is also available with disposable size 10 batteries which would need to be changed every 3-5 days.

4. Push button

The image of Push button hearing aids feature

The CIC and CIC R models come with a push button on the faceplate of the hearing aid, which can be used to control the volume, program, or both. The IIC model does not have room for a push button. All three models can also be controlled by the T2 Remote app (shown further down on this page), and the T2 Remote all will allow you to control the volume or program.

5. Vent

The image of Vent hearing aids feature

The vent runs along the entire hearing aid, usually along the bottom portion, with an opening at the faceplate of the hearing aid (outside the ear), and an opening next to the receiver/speaker of the hearing aid (inside the ear). Vents serve multiple purposes, from aiding in ventilation, to controlling sound leakage and feedback reduction. Vents can affect acoustics and sound quality, so your hearing care provider and the manufacturer will take care to ensure your hearing aid is built with the correct vent size.

6. Wax filter

The image of Wax filter hearing aids feature

When it comes to maintaining your hearing aids, this is where you’ll spend most of your time. The wax filter (mostly) prevents wax and oils from getting into the receiver/speaker. Your hearing provider may supply you with Starkey Hear Clear wax filters enabling you to periodically change these on your own. Some people never have to change these wax filters, others have to change them weekly. Your purchase includes 1 pack of wax filters, and you can purchase additional wax filters directly from your ZipHearing provider, or through a number of sites online such as Amazon.

7. Microphone

The image of Microphone hearing aids feature

The microphone picks up the sound from the environment and sends it into the hearing aid for processing. You’ll mostly want to leave the microphone alone, but periodically check it to ensure it’s not being plugged up by hair care products or oils.

8. Pull string

The image of Pull string hearing aids feature

This handy string makes it easier to insert and remove the hearing aid. Don’t worry- in most cases this string tucks away neatly inside the ear canal, but if it doesn’t talk to your hearing care provider about shortening or removing the pull string.

9. Rechargeable battery

The image of Rechargeable battery hearing aids feature

The model shown at the top of this page is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, expected to last up to 38 hours on a full charge. The battery takes about 3.5 hours to fully charge, and a 10 minute quick charge will get you about 3 hours of power. Signature Series is also available with disposable size 10 batteries which would need to be changed every 3-5 days.

10. Push button

The image of Push button hearing aids feature

The CIC and CIC R models come with a push button on the faceplate of the hearing aid, which can be used to control the volume, program, or both. The IIC model does not have room for a push button. All three models can also be controlled by the T2 Remote app (shown further down on this page), and the T2 Remote all will allow you to control the volume or program.

11. Vent

The image of Vent hearing aids feature

The vent runs along the entire hearing aid, usually along the bottom portion, with an opening at the faceplate of the hearing aid (outside the ear), and an opening next to the receiver/speaker of the hearing aid (inside the ear). Vents serve multiple purposes, from aiding in ventilation, to controlling sound leakage and feedback reduction. Vents can affect acoustics and sound quality, so your hearing care provider and the manufacturer will take care to ensure your hearing aid is built with the correct vent size.

12. Wax filter

The image of Wax filter hearing aids feature

When it comes to maintaining your hearing aids, this is where you’ll spend most of your time. The wax filter (mostly) prevents wax and oils from getting into the receiver/speaker. Your hearing provider may supply you with Starkey Hear Clear wax filters enabling you to periodically change these on your own. Some people never have to change these wax filters, others have to change them weekly. Your purchase includes 1 pack of wax filters, and you can purchase additional wax filters directly from your ZipHearing provider, or through a number of sites online such as Amazon.